Your points are well taken, JWY. I will try to be more active and will start posting more pictures. Now, If I can just find the area where this stuff should go. Hmmm. I found it last night, but now I forgot the heading. Let me do some searching.
Manusel, In April 2015, I sent you this note following your inquiry to set up a forum specifically for your pictures... ********** There's only 58 threads in the Vintage and Classic forum. It's simply not enough to qualify for placement on the forum index page. As you add content and it continues to grow, we can revisit this. While you see this forum as being difficult to find, you have to keep in mind that the majority of our traffic finds YF from specific yacht-oriented keyword searches in Google and other search engines. This the reason the Vintage and Classic forum is located under the Motor Yachts main forum. We really appreciate the wonderful, historic pictures and information you have to share. In time, we may be able to set up a special feature highlighting your collection, but we really need a lot more content before doing this. To help with traffic and participation in your threads, I'm going to use our SEO technology to index some of these threads in Google. Please do me a favor and keep images under 800 pixels in size. Our max size is actually 640, but because a lot of your images are older and don't have the same resolution of modern images, then we will make an exception for your pics. Please understand, we have the rules for very well though-out reasons. Many boat owners and captains are on laptops which requires side scrolling for large images. And many of our big boat owners and captains are on satnav and bandwidth is expensive. We must be considerate of all of our users. ********** Contrary to your claims, you CAN post more than one picture at a time. In fact, you have already done this! Regarding image size, you have obviously not adhered to our rules, but nobody is complaining. As for copyrights, we MUST be prudent because there is a definite liability. That said, nobody has taken issue with any of your pics. And on sub-headings, while you want your images to be front and center, we are actually doing this for you. You *think* the classic and antique yacht threads are buried in sub-forums, but bots and spiders see it differently. They look for well-categorized information to index. And finally, uploading images and text to Facebook is no different than any forum on the internet. I know forum software can be daunting at first, but you have already mastered it! Repeating my Private Message to you (above), when we have enough content we will set up a dedicated forum. All that we ask of you is to open threads with descriptive titles and keep the content relevant, as opposed to derailing the current thread on Movie Yachts. Once we have a sufficient number of threads, I'll take care of indexing them in major search engines. To give you an example of how well YF works, I Googled some of your threads... Shogun, Ottelia II, Candida, Uthingo whereabouts???,+Ottelia+II,+Candida,+Uthingo&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 Diesel motor-yacht Endymion of 1924, Camper & Nicholson,+Camper+&+Nicholson&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 Steam yacht Sappho, looking for pictures,+looking+for+pictures&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 In every case, each of your threads is topping a Google search. Why is this important? Because people searching for information on specific yachts go to Google, thus find YachtForums at the top of their search. This brings FAR MORE readers to your threads!!!
Okay, you have me convinced. I will continue to post here. A lot of my frustration is due to my own ignorance of how this site works. Can someone tell me how to post multiple photos at a time. All my posts have involved multiple separate individual uploads. My database is alphabetical using the original yacht names. I have multiple views of most of the vessels and it would be convenient if I could make one single upload, say, of all the various views of any particular yacht. Oh, and PLEEEASE feel free to post comments, corrections, and questions. That's really where I get my satisfaction out of all this. My database is always being expanded and improved and corrected. It's a work in progress. In future I will try to keep my posts in the Vintage & Classic section unless responding to posts in other sections.
Manusel. I've started a thread for Classic Yacht Photos and Discussions
Just seen a clip of the new American Assassin on CBS. It looked like they were having a fight on a dark blue Magnum or maybe a Itama 50. Anyone know which boat?
One for the historians: St-Tropez, 1956 - Anyone know the sailing yacht used for the exterior shots in "And God Created Woman" (Et Dieu… créa la femme)?
She had a few good years on the Caribbean Classic charter market and then the owner set off for a round the world cruise. She got to the West Coast of (I think) Mexico for a haul-out. It was decided to change some of the bronze fastenings and this was started. Sadly the owner ran out of money and the yacht sat on the hard for years half finished. She was then put up for sale. That was the last I heard of her.
I was the owner's captain on the yacht in Donnie Brasco during construction. I did a super double take the first time I saw the flick. Of course, when you have a 50+ year career as a mariner a few of the vessels you've operated will likely end up on film.