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News: Custom Line Launch Two New Navetta Yachts To End The Year

Discussion in 'Ferretti News & Launches' started by Yacht News, Dec 22, 2018.

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  1. Navetta 33 and Navetta 37 Launched By Custom Line

    Yesterday Custom Line announced the launching of two new vessels from their yard, a Navetta 33 and a Navetta 37. Each launch represents the 6th hulls in those respective series. "Maria Theresa" is the name given to the Navetta 33 and "Dilly Dally" is the final name of the Navetta 37. Both vessels will be delivered to their owners in the early part of 2019. Custom Line says that the owner of the 33-meter is from Brazil while the other owner is from the United States.
  2. As with all Custom Line vessels, the interior layouts offer exclusive features. Every request from the customer was implemented by the architects and designers at the shipyard. These teams, who work with a vast range of prized woods and furnishing materials on display at the showroom, came up with solutions that are both functional and aesthetically advanced.
  3. These two pieces of nautical engineering are the result of the partnership between the Product Strategy Committee – headed by Engineer Piero Ferrari – the Engineering Department, and Studio Zuccon International Project - which designed the exterior lines of the two yachts. The two yachts are being prepared for their intense harbour and sea trials ahead of their delivery time frame for early next year.

    For more information:

    Ferretti S.p.A.
    Via Ansaldo, 7
    47122 - Forlì (FC),

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