"Slipstream" left the slips but now you can see a few boats here at the marina. I can make out "Destination Fox Harb'r", "Our Way", "Zanzibar" I think, and some other sail yachts... Webcam #4
Another yacht just came in as well, I am not sure what it is but I have a hunch it could be "Teleost" maybe switching berths, but I cannot confirm this.
Callisto Keep your eyes peeled for Callisto Yachtnews. It is due soon. Been to the boat show in Antigua and on the way rescued a French yacht that had capsized overnight. Well done spotting him!!! Cheers P
I know this is a blurry picture but for some reason there is a yacht that has a forward area that looks like "Destination Fox Harb'r Too". Can anyone else ID as the same?
Looks like DFH2, but it's tough to tell. My bet would be yes from other images of her in her unique wrap around wheel house and owners suite windows.
Yes, that and the oval windows on the main level of the owner's suite. The 'unique' wraparound windows is the split-level as is so on many Trinity motor yachts. You can also see the distinctive walkway and rails atop the roof of the suite. You can see what I am talking about in our wonderful review of her... http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/trinity-yacht/10310-review-trinity-161-destination-fox-harbr-too.html