Nothing much going on down at the Port St. Charles Marina. It seems as though, just Zanzibar is down there.
A small Catamaran sailed in today. I do not want to post another picture from the similar angle to waste bandwith so, just go to the website.
Apparently Our Way sailed in this morning into the PSC Marina. On the webcam you can only see a snippet of her bow but I can identify her. Pictures I took of her on her last visit are at the top of this page.
After months in little activity a yacht sailed in the marina. Her name is "Horizons". Looks like a glamoured up fishing vessel anyways, there is also a fair sized sport fisher off to her port at slip 1.
Hi, I have a feeling that the two boats go together, Is the sport fisher called Tysons Pride?
Look who was up my side of the coast sailing...Zanzibar. I have not seen her sailing in quite a while. Tied up for quite while in the marina. She was coming up from the marina then she tacked sharply while trimming her genoa, then let it back out and sailed back in the opposite direction. Oh yes K!W!, yes that was the sport fisher, thanks! Horizons and Tyson's Pride since then...
One of my favourite looking small yachts from around here just pulled up at slip 1. She is a sport yacht called "Black Gold"
Just caught "Zanzibar" departing the marina for 12:00 LT. She probably going for a sail or a mini charter to nowhere, who knows. Have to keep that rig working!
"Zanzibar" got back from her cruise. She is in view of webcam 4 at the marina. Go there to view her -if you wish- because I do not want to waste bandwith unecessarily.
"Zanzibar" on the move again today at 12:10 LT. What caught my eye was the flag she is flying on her port spreader. Anyone have any ideas?
i'd guess its a race flag for some meaning that this one is very big or has special movements - something like that maybe <-- here are some flags but this one isn't there...
You have a point there Jannick. "Hanse Explorer" has been here recently, sitting offshore. Is she a yacht crew training vessel and why does she has H&P on her funnels and flying the house flag? As far as I knew, H&P stands for Harren & Partner that runs some container ships.
Hanse Explorer Hanse Explorer is a 48 M all steel ship classified as a training vessel according to the ship's web site ( built by ship owner and businessman, Peter Harren. She berths a crew of six plus 12 trainees and 12 passengers simultaneously. She is ice classed and available for exploration in high comfort as the site suggests. According to another site I found..."The 12 trainees onboard will include officers, engineers and chefs with varied experience levels, from graduates with a Captain’s degree to professional chefs who need sea-experience." I'm not sure prices are current, but I also found..."Prices start at 5,600 Euros per cabin for two guests on a 7-night voyage. These prices include everything whilst onboard – luxury accommodation, sauna, fitness room, all meals, an extensive bar list, Zodiac cruises and shore landings."
Thanks for the information 'roundthehorn. I spotted her at the cross berth in the Bridgetown Harbour yesterday.
Crunched I called my Mom on Sunday and in Antigua there are only 2 big boats in Falmouth Harbour, 180' schooner Flertje and I think Aviva and a small Broward. Our rental house has no bookings for skippers' wife and kids. I'm getting bloody worried. In the boatyard we have done less than half the haulout and services than we did this time last year. The big boats are getting done but its the sort-of-in-the-middle sized boats we are not seeing. Yes it may be a buyers market but WHO the hell IS buying?
I have some pics of the few yachts that are in the marina at the moment. They are from a different view than I normally have, my dad took them this morning for me. Nordhavn 64 m/y trawler "B2" Sail yacht "Zanzibar" Motoryacht "Our Way"