I guess this is what the whole commotion was about yesterday. Maybe there was a sportsfish competition. That contraption looks like the structure where you hang prize fish from and pose with it for pictures.
The hoard of Sport fishers are back again today. http://www.portstcharles.com/webcam_window.php?cam=3 http://www.portstcharles.com/webcam_window.php?cam=4
A new vessel has returned to the marina since tho large swells. All I can see is a bow but if I were to guess, I would guess it is Eagle's Nest again?
The Octopus sub has moved in view of webcam 1 further inside the marina. http://www.portstcharles.com/~webcams/webcam1.jpg?1206546645344
Silent World II Apparently the yacht is called Silent World II...see here, when she was outside the marina waiting to be cleared. http://www.flickr.com/photos/7546885@N08/2381981381
The ISA Aquamarina is here as documented by 'Yacht Pictures' http://flickr.com/photos/7546885@N08/2403586475/ The Marina's webcams 1 and 2 seem to be down for maintainence?
The marina webcam's 3 and 4 are back up and running and the ISA Aquamarina is still in view of the cam, well the bow at least.
Aphrodite a and Zanzibar are also in Port St. Charles. Aphrodite a came in this afternoon (04/14/08).
What Webcam 2 sees? Here is a view of the marina that you do not get to see everyday. There Marina is not only the meyachtyacht berths and the PSC club that webcam's 3 and 4 show, there are two other cams that show the interior of the marina. Here is a view of what the number 2 camera sees...
A view of the inner main marina that people do not see... http://flickr.com/photos/joegrind/2131876149/in/set-72157603534444601/
And this is the small mega-yacht berths that you see the larger yachts at http://flickr.com/photos/joegrind/2131876521/in/set-72157603534444601/ NB-Yes it is , thanks Tarek
New arrival today at the marina, the vessel came in this afternoon. The bow is seen to the starboard of Aquamarina in this webcam shot:
Trinity Katharine The Yacht is the 2001 Trinity 177 foot Katharine parked next to the ISA Aquamarina. YachtPictures has a pic of her... http://flickr.com/photos/7546885@N08/2441990692/sizes/o/ Katharine's website: http://www.yachtkatharine.com/
Well Aquamarina left a few days ago and so too did the Katharine but now she is back...She just dropped anchor outside of the Marina. You can see her bow on the top right hand side of the frame. Of course you can see Zanzibar and some other sailers at the slips.
Apparently the small cruiser left slip one and another yacht replaced it at that berth. In this night shot you can also see Katharine and another yacht outside at anchor.
Actually now it is day you can see that the other yacht on the outside is the Aquamarina. About seven yachts are here now.
Seems like we have had some other vistitors in the last few days including the Turmoil, Aphrodite a, Sherakhan, Eagle's Nest. You can see some nice pics with these vessels offshore the PSC Marina. http://www.flickr.com/photos/7546885@N08/
Make that 8 yachts, you can see the other vessel closest to the webcam at slip 1. http://www.portstcharles.com/webcam_window.php?cam=4