Then War Eagle among its many other attributes must be capable of time travel. Cadyshack = 1980, War Eagle = 1984. Ladenstein 72.
That Striker is often associated with the movie. However if you look at the video (on youTube) the lines and size aren't right for a 70 footer anyway. A more credible report is that Seafood is a 1979 50' Striker.
It is, and I believe the new owners put a helipad extension on her now and removed the docking for the 42' gamefisherman that use to be stored there. Far
Famous Yachts of the Golden Age of Film In watching Turner Classic Movies I have often wondered what ever happened to some of the great olde yachts used in the movies. Case in point is the olde 1936 Betty Davis movie directed by Alfred Green called "Golden Arrow". Personally I'd like to see a new addition to the Gallery Page, with Carl's approval of course, showing some of these grande olde yachts, their names, the movies they were involved in, and of course a little history behind them like who owned them and what ever happened to them. Sort of a where are they now, other than at the bottom of the deep blue sea, or the breakers. Thank you.
I would like to know about the yacht and tender in "Some Like it Hot". Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe.
She appears to be the yacht Portola. According to the link, she's in Alamitos Bay. Boats of the Southern California Fleet - Portola - Classic Yacht Association
Turner Classic Movies/Classic yachts I ALWAYS see great old yachts in the scenery in those classic movies. I'm frequently pausing them to see if I can look them up. Glad I'm not the only one.
In the 1960's Disney put out a movie with the teenaged Hayley Mills starring called "The Moonspinners". In the movie was featured a beautiful classic clipper bow, counter stern yacht with the movie name "Minotaur". Anybody have an idea what yacht was used and her history?
Unfortunately, the yacht in "Some Like it Hot" is no more. She sank in the South Branch of the Miami River across from the old Consolidated Yard while rafted to Santana which is still there. The boat was a 121' 30's vintage Nevins that was named Tara and renamed LOVELY LADY in 1958 and was used in many films and TV shows, the last being "Tequila Sunrise" with Mel Gibson in 1958. I was fortunate enough to find some artifacts of the LOVELY LADY while refitting my 1973 Matthews in 2010. I took some of her wide exterior handrails and cut them in two lengthwise to make handrails for the aft and forward stairways. I also have one of her nameboards. I charge visitors for touching the handrails that Marilyn Monroe used while staying on LOVELY LADY during the filming of "Some Like it Hot".
Fair Lady was originally built in 1930 as "Analgra" to a C,D. Mower design. A sad loss when she was sunk by vandals in 2010.
Overboard Overboard - Attessa (later 142 ft Huntress, which sank after a fire) I was lucky enough to be on the boat when it was The Huntress and before it had a fire in the Med. The scene in the engine room on Overboard was exactly the engine room in the Huntress - ahhhhh fond memories...
Hi, The yacht in those photos is not the Huntress that burnt and sank in the Med. The vessel pictured is most definitely not the one used in the movie Overboard.