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YachtForums Listing Service

Discussion in 'Yacht News; Builds & Launches' started by YachtForums, Jun 22, 2024.

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  1. YachtForums Listing Service

    Do you really need to pay a 10% commission to sell your boat? All you need is a good surveyor, an attorney and a platform to promote your boat. If you want to be on YachtWorld you MUST use a broker but the same folks that go to YachtWorld do their research on YachtForums.
  2. Why YF?

    Traffic From Keyword Searches, NOT Social Media - This is why Google's AdSense pays less for social media traffic and more for traffic from keyword searches. Quality of traffic counts!

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    Authentic, Trusted Content - Forums are fertile grounds for buyers doing their homework. We have 20 years of carefully moderated discussions by owners, captains, engineers, designers, brokers and enthusiasts which has become a massive resource for buyers.

  3. YF has up to TWO million visitors a month looking for specifically for information on yachts. As our content is mostly technical in nature, nobody would read our discussions without a serious interest!

    Sell It Yourself and SAVE!

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