I am a very connected person, always having the latest gadgets and technology and I have to say that all these dedicated apps for standard websites are the most useless things in the world. Why on earth would someone need an app for something when you can access it perfectly from a web browser with no difference in functionality (or very little). To an extent, apps are just another trend so everyone wants to have one. I know of several platforms that can create your website into an app but what's the point? At the end of the day all you have is a phone or tablet being cluttered up with countless apps for these websites and managing where they are and the time it takes to switch between them becomes very lengthy. I see no reason for YF to have its own app when it can be quickly accessed through a mobile web browser in seconds. In my opinion, Tapatalk is one of the most annoying trends I see being used. The constant pop up messages are quite annoying and the app itself makes it more difficult to do research for a post as you would have to switch between the app and a web browser. Apps are supposed to make your life easier and more convenient, yet in situations such as the one described in this thread, I feel the opposite effect is accomplished.
1. If there are security issues they absolutely negatively affect users who didn't want to use it. So your statement that they wouldn't affect anyone is false. 2. Yes, it was interpreted as an attack. The question was previously answered by the owners. But you still felt necessary to post, not once but then a repeat post, that you think it is needed. 3. You posted about how easy it is to add and how trouble free when you don't know the coding here or the issues from a forum owner's point of view and you completely ignored the issues the owner had expressed. I feel if you have a disagreement with the owner of a site, private is the way to express that. It's an open forum for yachting discussions, not for criticizing and arguing with the site owner. The owner did answer "no" and explained why. Have you studied all the security issues that have been tied to Tapatalk? Have you googled "tapatalk security issues" or "tapatalk security vulnerabilities?" Tapatalk also interferes with ad processing and revenues from the site itself due to problems opening ad links through web browsers from within Tapatalk. I also find the idea of accessing web content through social media troublesome and perhaps Apple should really address browser performance so it wouldn't be necessary with an iPhone.
Yes, you are completely right in all of your points. I should never have commented. Please can we forget the taptalk issue now and move back to yachts
My iPhone 4 has no problems with this site. I use it for all my Internet, no decent broadband in my area. I refuse to load my phone up with worthless apps, one of the many reason I like this site is because they don't expect me to download useless crap to use the site.
Hey olderboater, I think you made your point several times. Captainb apologized for the stir and is moving on. Mod, maybe time to close the discussion.
Tom, I think OlderBoater was reading between the lines very well and here's why... A new member using the designation 'captain', when in fact he states in his bio that he is not. He also stated he's a 'businessman', which sends up a red flag for most forum admins. The majority of the time, this is someone looking to spam a forum. CaptainB joined a month ago, then he laid dormant. A typical pattern for adaptive spam artists. Then, he jumps in and makes 2-3 posts relating to the forum's topic before leading us into the tapatalk discussion. Frankly, I thought the same as OlderBoater and was about to remove a membership, but in this case, CaptainB does appear to admin a couple of forums. I'm seriously concerned about the vulnerabilities that 3rd party plug-ins present. This is the main reason we're migrating JetForums to XenForo. It should go live in a few days. Here's a screen shot...
I am just an honest guy who stated the truth in my profile I am not a 'spam artist'. The captain part of my username is in reference to my nickname outside or the forum. I don't see why a 'businessman' raises any reg flags, I would presume that there is a large amount of yacht owners who are business owners, and a large amount of business owners would be interested in yachts. The two seem to go naturally hand in hand. I also didn't realise that I was supposed to post when I joined the forum, I have actually been lurking the forum for a few years. Mainly just browsing a few of the yacht reviews, specifically the Alfa Nero yacht which is the most amazing boat I have seen. So apologies for not introducing myself before. Hopefully we can just all forget that I mentioned tapatalk. I know see that it was a bit foolish to mention that I thought it would be a good improvement if Tapatalk was available as I realise it looks like I was trying to promote them. Especially as I was a relatively new user who hadn't posted. p.s. I don't work for them :lol: I don't work for anyone. The freedom which I have gained and love in life is the very reason why there is an attraction to yachts for me.
Then you haven't run a forum for very long or you don't admin your own site. There is much to learn from your peers if you log-on to various webmaster sites. On that note, I have to get back to work now.
Captainb You might try to figure out why others with iPhones have no problem using this site through their browser and you do. I can't imagine SomeTexan is the only iPhone user here. I am sure if you were to pm SomeTexan with the nature of your problem he would be glad to try to help.
It's taken some tricky coding, but I think we've found a solution to a dedicated smartphone app that still permits screen expansion. Xenforo is optimized for mobile devices, so we struck a balance favoring reader ease in portrait mode, while still maintaining the full site display in landscape mode. Head over to JetForums - Jet Aviation's Premier Online Community using your mobile device. The side banners are removed on smart phones with limited screen sizes, such as current iPhones. With larger-screened Android devices and iPads, the side banners should only display in landscape mode. I think this is the proper solution! Here is JetForums on the iPad in portrait mode. Notice the side banners are removed, leaving more reading real estate...
I am not a member of jet forums but I had a quick browse on my iPhone and the user experience is much more friendly. Very easy to navigate and read. Will be awesome to eventually see this on yachtforums
Or in short form: It will be a responsive design That would be a good choice and is like an web app. I am using responsive design on my blog. Scrolling is much more better than wiping