Yacht is right. Yard is right. Tender's name is wrong! Try again. A clue: The tender's yard is dutch.
Built in Holland Launched 2000 Gas turbine But the question is : how many horsepower had the two other engines??
Oui,monsieur! If you promise me not to ask a question about a dutch built, in 2004 launched gas turbine powered yacht, it is your turn
een beetje duidelijker! Sorry for being so confusing. A famous yacht, built in a well known European yard, blew her central propulsion engine during her sea-trials. Give name, yard, engine manufacturer. Beter zo? Is this clear?
Is it Ecstasea, by Feadship (i.e. Royal Van lent) with her GE turbine ?? Just a guess, because I really don't know...
Sorry! My apologies for not knowing the answer to the last question and also for having to disappear without being able to wait for the correct answer to my question (well done!) and my apologies to anyone who thought I was trying to be offensive - many of our dearest friends are motor yacht owners and refer to themselves as 'stinkpot captains' so it hadn't occurred to me that anyone might think I was being unkind. In case you need another question... and, actually, we don't know the answer to this one, so it is a quest for knowledge of a trivial nature... When and how did 'larboard' and 'starboard' become 'port' and 'starboard'?
Hi Linnet, No worries! I've edited your last post (off subject). Let's continue the momentum.... You've posed another good question... "the origins of larboard!"