In disputes, there is no "defense". There is "attack" and "suck". True for all legal systems around from Common Law to German to russian mafia's "rumbles", trust me on this one. It's also a reason why "during business" all lawyers look so much jerkass (and actually the better they are the jerkier). Hence, do try to mount any attack possible, accusing her of fraud, bilge drinking, mental unfitness and whatever there is and isnt. Not everything's gonna stick, but that's much better then spending all time limply tryin to explain why you are not as bad as just painted. As for "how to protect", should've asked yourself that question upon a marriage By the love of God do NOT try real dumb moves (like hastily passing it to "corporate ownership" or "overseas flag"), you might aswell stand up in a court and say "your majesty I think you're a limp dumbass" - actually, judge's gonna feel like you're doing it anyways when you pretend clean with such tricks.
My first love had to compete against 53 & 110s. Sadly, I was blinded by cast iron and she lost. Later found that a good move. Seen enough fried (psychopath) 92s. My 71s have been the most faithful (Bit$%^s) Ive ever known. 71s rule,,,,,,, me. By the way, Wife 3 looks up specs for me and hands me the correct hammer, every time. She also catches, cleans and cooks our seafood. Also, It's mostly her boat.