"Pasha Bulker" aground Here is a link to a webcam on Nobby's Beach, 60Nm north of Sydney, Australia. The 225m Bulk Carrier you can see is called “Pasha Bulker”, it was washed ashore a few weeks ago when it was overcome by the massive waves reported at 17.9 meters with 50+ Knot winds. She was at-anchor outside the port of Newcastle with 54 other ships. The ships were all asked by harbour control to weigh anchor and proceed to sea. Reports say that because Pasha Bulker was ready to load the following day she was in light-ship mode, this meant because she was high in the water the propeller was coming out as the ship pitched with the massive waves resulting in no fwd thrust, so the ship was simply no match to the fury of “Mother Nature”. http://www.coastalwatch.com/camera/cameras_large.aspx?cam=2790&state=NSW#
Salvage Operation The Salvage operation is well underway and a team of savage experts are onboard the ship. They are saying the first attempt to re-float her will be at the end of this month with the spring tides. Below is a video artists impression of the salvage operation of the ship. Simple!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfHv....news.com.au/story/0,23599,21938472-2,00.html
Hey peoples, The Talitha G is parked next to the Lurssen Eos. Webcam Picture from:http://www.talitha-g.com/webcam.php
If you think the Monaco webcam has been strange the last couple of months, it now seems to be back to normal again. http://notari.tv/ Last week it was all black at this time of the day, but now you can see the lights of the city again and daytime the colours are back. The camera is also turned a little to the left so you can see the big sea water pool...
memories of portofino looking at this webcam brings back some great memories of when my wife and i went to portofino in sept 06 while we were there, there where 2 superyachts alongside, the 'mia elise' and 'happydays' .we went up to the church on the hill looking down onto the town square and the harbour,a great cup of coffee is served from the floating cafe which can be seen in some of the photos elsewhere in the thread.we loved it so much we are going back again in september of this year
The World in Stockholm This summer we have had many Megayachts visiting Stockholm and even more Cruise Ships. Right now is The World here, the ship where you own your apartment and cruise the world at the same time. http://www.webbkameror.se/webbkameror/gondolen/webkamera_eriks_1280_1.php http://www.aboardtheworld.com/
Talitha G Talitha G has a new webcam. Her old one has been off-line for a couple of weeks and this new one gives a much better image and from a different location on the bridge. You can find it at:- http://www.talitha-g.com/webcam.php She is currently on the eastern coast of italy, but I can't work out if it is Naples or Salerno. Anyone know form the image displayed?
Oh dear... This is the latest image (10:20 GMT) from Talitha G's webcam! I Guess she's made it to Australia.....
Texas Here is a webcam is Galveston Texas Not often you see big yachts in Texas but today there is.. http://www.galveston.com/webcams/harborhouse/frameset.html
Talitha G improvements Talitha G now has internal webcams too! This shot, taken at 10:55 (GMT) today shows her engine room workshop.
Talitha G arrived in Southampton (UK) last night and can be seen on the port webcam at :- http://www.bbc.co.uk/hampshire/content/webcams/eastern_docks_webcam.shtml
New camera facing Simpson Bay and the Bridge. The angle changes periodically but I just caught boats going thru the opening http://www.royalresorts.com/camera3...w.royalcreative.com/webcam/camarapelican4.jpg
The Stockholm webcams are showing the darkness we have this time of the year, but one lightpoint is the 38 m high x-mas tree close to the Royal Castle in the old town... http://www.webbkameror.se/webbkameror/gondolen/webkamera_eriks_1280_3.php
A beautiful sight........I wish you and everyone here a very happy month of December and a merry Christmas.
Thank you, we just miss the snow, but it may come back before Christmas. Tonight it is raining.... Here is a picture from my little town as a X-mas card for you!