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What should we do about the sunk Bertram thread?

Discussion in 'Bertram Yacht' started by YachtForums, Jan 14, 2010.

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Do we lock the Bertram Sinking thread?

Poll closed Feb 13, 2010.
  1. Yes - lock it until official news comes available.

    43 vote(s)
  2. No - it should remain open for continued discussion.

    37 vote(s)
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  1. scott49

    scott49 Senior Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Just want to repeat, Carl you do a great job.. Thanks
  2. MBevins

    MBevins Senior Member

    May 23, 2008
    Windsor On. Canada
    I personally stopped following it a while back when I decided it had become a conveluted mess of meaningless banter from some individuals who had nothing better to do than show their ignorance.

    Carl for the sake of your sanity I would lock it down unless someone has real current information.
  3. hat4349

    hat4349 Senior Member

    Mar 25, 2005
    Tampa, Florida
    Lock it and forget about it. Vindictiveness like that should not be allowed since it is giving YF a negative image and inviting people we don't need. I think the insults and negativity has started to spread to some of the other threads. When I first started in YF you didn’t read comments of members insulting each other or talking about the boat owners. Now we have that thread, comments about Tiger (no matter what he has done he is still the owner and should be off bounds). It used to be if we asked questions about the owner you posted a comment we talk about the boat not the owners. That should be for everyone no exceptions because we don’t care for a person’s actions or live style. People also used to police threads to make sure they weren’t hijacked but that is happening in the past couple of years.

    We have a great forum for boating; crews, and anything about boats please keep it that way and stop the madness of this thread.
  4. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Hi, the main thread was locked a couple of days ago. I agree that some comments do not belong here, but must inform you that others were deleted asap. It has been a little too much to monitor this very special thread around the clock. Let´s hope the language now will return to the more respectful we are used to.

    BTW, it is time to close this thread as well.
  5. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    The thread has been locked.​

    In viewing the poll numbers, it's been a fairly split decision since day one. The majority of people that voted to close the thread are YF's senior members. The majority of new members voted for the thread to remain open. In the end, we have to respect the wishes of the people who have helped build YF into a great resource.

    I've had mixed emotions about this entire situation. Over the past 7 years, I've learned a great deal about the tide and flow of forums, not just from our own experiences here at YF, but from other leading webmasters. Sometimes, there exists a fine line between helpful information and all-out debauchery, however a little of the latter is often a needed ingredient.

    In the past, I was concerned if momentum waned. In the future, we should embrace it. It is far better to have a few knowledgeable people posting intermittently, then a barrage of brainless banter. Equally, we need to find some resolve among YF’s senior members who are often the reason that people return to YF for the latest posts. If readers, or potentially new members, see bickering… they WILL go elsewhere!

    I would like to ask a favor from everyone here…

    • Please don’t respond to every post. Give others a chance to participate too.

    • Be respectful of others. If they are wrong, respectfully disagree. None of us are right all of the time.

    • If you can’t say anything nice, walk away from the keyboard and come back later. It works for me!

    • People with great expertise can be intimidating. If others fear being ridiculed, they will stay on the sidelines, or worse… go elsewhere. Heck, I’m afraid to post sometimes!

    Thanks to everyone who voted and especially those who took the time to post your thoughts in this thread.

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