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What should we do about the sunk Bertram thread?

Discussion in 'Bertram Yacht' started by YachtForums, Jan 14, 2010.

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Do we lock the Bertram Sinking thread?

Poll closed Feb 13, 2010.
  1. Yes - lock it until official news comes available.

    43 vote(s)
  2. No - it should remain open for continued discussion.

    37 vote(s)
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  1. jhall767

    jhall767 Senior Member

    Jan 14, 2010
    Middle River MD
    Very new member here - long time reader. I see no reason to lock the thread unless you are planning on banning the entire discussion from the web site. It is definitely approaching the point where there is more useless information than useful but locking it will just cause another thread to be started. It will die out on its own like it has on many other forums.

    As for new people joining just to post to the thread - the discerning reader can see how many posts each person has.

    BTW I have no real side in the discussion other than I am a boat owner that would like to A) find out what happened and B) Keep it from happening to me.

  2. JWY

    JWY Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2004
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Carl -- Thank you for opening this new thread. You once again show your integrity in trying to maintain YF as the premier source of respected information sharing.

    Whether as owners or industry participants, we have all learned from this thread. The information garnered from this thread will presumably, or should, have a significant impact on the marine industry in almost all segments.

    My suggestions would be:

    1. Keep the thread in tact but lock it down.

    2. Start a new thread perhaps entitled "YF Bertram 63 Information." Move "factual" posts there such as your photos. This is where you can add new information as you obtain it. This would be a locked thread.

    3. Allow a new thread to start in response to your additional postings. This would be the only Bertram thread you would need to monitor for new members which include the flakes, rude posters, and hidden agenda guys, who will break the rules and be bumped.

    4. Allow new spin-off threads. There were valuable topics brought to light that should be further discussed.

  3. CaptainSilva

    CaptainSilva Senior Member

    Dec 9, 2006
    Newport, RI

    To me, this is the best solution. Keep a thread open to present the FACTS, and only the FACTS, including images, video, press releases, Bertram emails, anything in print or newsworthy. Other than that, keep it locked.

    As for the other thread, it's better than TV in my opinion. ;) :D
  4. CaptTom

    CaptTom Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2006
    Palm Beach to Ft Lauderdale
    Carl, As we discussed I think the thread should be locked now...
    But allow for any new information to be posted and maybe reopen then for the masses to comment (new info can be passed by you to post). There has been a lot of good information posted here by members and some bs and name calling (which you get in any open forum), but leave the thread intact. This has been a compelling story which is not over yet.
    As someone who has been trying to ascertain the facts of this event, I have not posted any speculation or thoughts on what might have happened. But there are some theories around that might one day turn out to be factual.
    Thanks to everyone who contributed to the thread. I have learned more about hull layup and coring and also who I should stay away from. lol
  5. Rene GER

    Rene GER Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2004
    Northern Germany, West Coast
    I would also say: Lock it.

    There is so much guesswork without an expert report.

    It was very hard to read 62 Sites in english, when you are some weeks away :rolleyes:
  6. Jorge Lang

    Jorge Lang Senior Member

    Nov 17, 2003
    Fort Lauderdale

    The thread was originally about facts and then opinions of what might have happened. Others saw this as a chance to bash those involved without knowing what they are talking about. Yet, this is the best place for those of us "in the biz", and everyone else to be if we want to know what's going on. Should you shut down such a popular thread?
    I think so. I can't imagine anymore worth wild input that what has already been giving. You should start another limited thread with just the facts. If someone doesn't like the way you run "our" site, they can go somewhere else. We probably don't want them here anyway.
  7. Mark I

    Mark I Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Long Island/Pompano Beach
    Not a senior member but have been around here awhile.

    My .02 is that you should lock it at this point or you will have to moderate it closely.
  8. CTdave

    CTdave Senior Member

    Mar 21, 2004
    Greenwich CT/ Stuart FL
    I'll have to agree with the others but....

    a. Dump the recent bashing posts.
    b. Weed out the new members & dump the trouble makers.
    c. Start two new threads. First would be news and information but not for posting. Second, let everyone express their thoughts on construction, what they think happend and general talk but it can't get like this "he said she said" thread.
    There is so much fantastic technical information on this thread but it has become difficult to find within all the BS.
  9. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny

    I agree. I have stopped even reading the thread as it has deteriorated. Sorting through (no small task) and separating the wheat from the chafe will do wonders for future posts and searches. A good compromise may be a fact-based thread for posts strictly related to this boat and/or Bertram facts, another for laminate discussions (good facts, but perhaps too technical for the average reader, and lastly a "Romper Room" thread.
  10. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    OK, a couple of things, then I've got some news...

    1. The majority of members that voted to Lock the thread (the control panel shows me who voted) are our most senior and respected guys, although a couple of them voted to keep it open too, much like some of our newer members. And BTW, most of our new members have brought forward good analysis and made sensible posts.

    2. If I try to strip posts from the Bertram sinking discussion and place them under a separate thread, it will be a complete mess, loosing continuity.

    3. We certainly want new members to join in and participate, but threads like this have a way of going viral, attracting the interest of people accustomed to using forums as a platform to vent, or worse... attempting to manipulate the facts. I have reason to believe at least one of these new members was working on behalf of a manufacturer to present doubt, thereby discrediting YF.

    4. As long as I have the permission of everyone here to use my best judgement - stripping posts and removing memberships as necessary - then the thread should stay open and WE ALL MODERATE IT together.

    And finally, I'm opening a new discussion thread titled :

    VIDEO - Sunk Bertram

    I've had a helluva time trying to arrange a private server for this video. I can't upload to it to YouTube or equivilent. It must remain proprietary to YF as per agreement with the plaintiff. Because it's 55 megs, it will bring our server to its knees if enough people try to view it.

    A link to the video is being sent to each of the senior members that have voted.


  11. ArcanisX

    ArcanisX Senior Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    Tel Aviv.
    One thing that I'd like to note is that just locking the thread now is quite pointless. For a purely-on-topic feel, it should have been locked, like, two thirds pages ago. And as a *discussion around*, it's still better then one can possibly hope, given the severity of topic and overall length.

    The reasoning between locking it is perfectly legitimate, but at this stage, it cannot really go worse then it is (assuming you do not give up on moderating it, which is surely a big pain). Not like 80 pages are really more clumbersome then 60. The lock will remove a good *all discussion in one* moment to it, and different aspects are pretty much entwined here so it's not easy to clearly separate, say, cost/quality of coring techniques from boat surveying from corporate integrity issues.
    And even now, interesting posts and topics do come up there surprisingly often. Some may deserve own thread, but the question is, would they pop up as such a separate thread if the "main" is locked?

    As for the issue of trolls/repeating itself/etc, I can only say that so far, this being dealt with outstandingly good. At least for novice such as myself, almost every single one of these 60 pages is a worthy read, which is imho nothing short of a miracle.

    So here's my humble point for keeping it open. Watched carefully, sure, but live. Just my 2 cents.

    And the short and strict "facts digest" side-thread would be great, in any case.
  12. geriksen

    geriksen Senior Member

    Jul 24, 2007
    San Juan Puerto Rico
    I agree with this. The thread had degenerated. How ever the new "posters" have been very entertaining. Especially that one with the "shipping blog". That was hilarious. :)

    Maybe the Bertram press releases could be added to the locked photo thread.
    That would filter out the clutter.
    The important thing is that we can get updates on this situation.
    Thanks for a great website!
  13. PropBet

    PropBet Senior Member

    Apr 21, 2007
    Is Everything!
    I'd second (or 3rd) this.
    A thread of facts only.
    Locked and contributed to as add'l facts come to light.
  14. sfrobert

    sfrobert New Member

    Oct 23, 2007
    San Francisco, CA
    Well Gentlemen, this is my first posting on YF even though I've been lurking for several years.

    One one hand I feel we should keep the discussion going and try to moderate each other and tone down the speculation, maybe voluntarily wait for factual news.

    Then again, every village has an idiot and our's seems to be attracking quite a few. It's too bad since this thread has been very educational for me.

    That said, Carl, when will you allow the "rest of us" to view the video and when will you post the plaintiff's statement or news?

  15. Capt Bill11

    Capt Bill11 Senior Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    Sarasota/Ft. Lauderdale FL
    Don't lock it.

    Moderate it and let it die on it's own.
  16. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007

    Please shut it down for a while.

    This is YF after all, not Twitter.
  17. sgawiser

    sgawiser New Member

    May 13, 2008
    Jupiter, FL
    I too am a junior member, mostly lurking. The value to me of this forum is the amount of information that I can gather. I doubt that anyone can contribute more useful information to that thread unless new information is available.

    Perhaps locking the thread until there is more information makes the most sense.
  18. CTdave

    CTdave Senior Member

    Mar 21, 2004
    Greenwich CT/ Stuart FL
    I think it goes without saying that the majority of the members respect your decisions on editing posts. My hat is off to you for all the hard work and countless hours you have put into developing, maintaining, moderating and keeping this site up and running.
    Use your judgement (even your "best" from time to time;) )
    I posted about locking the thread early today but just noticed the "vote" part. Sorry for the delay!
  19. revdcs

    revdcs Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2007
    Fowey in Cornwall
    I voted to lock. But I also agree with Dave, so long as the other Mods join in too and the rubbish is not left on site for too long - attracting the flies!
  20. GFC

    GFC Senior Member

    May 21, 2008
    Tri Cities, WA
    Lock it.

    I have read the thread several times a day since it first started and have learned a lot from the intelligent comments made. I've also laughed at some the the ridiculous comments and wondered where they were coming from.

    While I believe it's still entertaining to read it and will miss many of the intelligent information presented, I have to recommend locking it until some factual data (press releases, information on lawsuits, etc.) can be added.
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