Welland Canal; Westport 130' "Antares" Antares pulling into Marina in Port Dalhousie just west of Welland Canal Lake Ontario end. Yacht Luna is anchored tonight near Kingston Ontario and her AIS shows Port Dalhousie as her destinatiion. Will get pictures when she arrives. RODGER
great pics Rodger! Have we ever had a yacht of that size in the Great Lakes? at 381ft I sure cant remember anything! Where can it even go? The Yorktown cruise ship is only 257ft.
Luna Only big ones I saw were the Lone Ranger and Blue Moon, will get more pictures when she locks through the canal.
Welland Canal (LUNA) Luna is now departing Port Weller anchorage and returning down the Sea Way to Montreal. Rodger
Welland Canal (Luna) Massive yacht draws stares in Port Dalhousie | Local | News | St. Catharines Standard Here is and article local newspaper did. Rodger
That's too bad, I was hoping she was coming our way. Do you know why they didn't continue thru the locks?
.Made a fast trip up the canal on Saturday around noon with Captain J from Fort Lauderdale on a 62' Viking Princess. We had a fast trip 3 hours from Lock 1 to Lock to Lock 7. He is making a dlivery from Fort Lauderdale to Milwaukee Rodger
Hi, Thanks for sharing! Your canal images are always joyful to see, I just think the Admin should join all your Welland Canal threads together, (Almost all have the same name!), so there would be one reference for your contributions, if you agree write a line to YachtForums. Thanks again. Alfred (Thanks Carl for your efforts)
Good idea Alfred. Roger, I have merged all of your threads into one. Please post Welland Canal pictures under this thread. Thanks!
It was a great trip going through the Welland with Rodger. He is a great guy and it was great to meet one of our fellow yachtforums members. He was very knowledgable and a big help even considering I've run 2 other yachts through the Welland. I made it to Milwaukee today. 14 days from Ft. Laud to Milwaukee and I'm ready to fly home.......
Yeah.......the owner and I wanted to get home......LOL.......We ran from Osego, NY to the welland and transited the canal the same day (this all happened to fall just perfectly as our timing was perfect, Rodger was right there and ready to go, Canadian customs cleared us right away,and the Welland was locking through 2 other powerboats right when we arrived and they put us in with them)......spent the night in St. Catherines. We ran from St. Catherines across Lake Erie to Detroit and spent the night. Detroit to Rodgers City on Lake Huron and spent the night. Rodgers City to Lelland, MI for a splash of 200 gallons of diesel to make it the rest of the way and on to Milwaukee (Port Washington just shy of Milwaukee actually, the boat's now home port). The last day was about 14 hours.......not bad for a boat with a 22 knot cruise......I'm happy to say that I'm home in Ft. Laud.
Had a quick trip down the canal today 4 1//2 hours from Lock 8 to Lock 1 on a 42' Margaritavich Express Walkaround and when I went to take pictures of the boat at end of trip batteries were dead in camera, anyway here are a few pictures I took on our trip of the Empire Sandy a 200' Tallship from Toronto going to Canal Dys in Port Colborne Ontario.
Welland canal uss edson under tow USS EDSON 418' left Philadelphia under tow on July 18/12 for Saginaw Valley Ship Museum. The trip is a total of 2436 miles and went up the Welland Canal today around 17:00 hours. It will be a 15 to 18 hour trip up the canal. USS Edson gets underway on voyage from Philadelphia to Bay County (with photo gallery) | MLive.com Rodger
This year is the 200th Anniversary of the War of 1812. There will be several Canadian and United States war ships making Goodwill Tours to the Great Lakes. The Canadian HMCS de Quebec is now in Lock 1 and when it departed the lock winds were 20-25 knots out of the west. When she was departing the lock the wind pinned he up against the east wall and she was stuck there for 1.5 hours and the bridge was in the up postion all that time. The canal crew had to take their lines and walk her up the wall one post at a time so they could get her clear of bridge to get vehicel traffic moving. When she entered Lock 2 she went sideways in canal and now she tied below lock 2 until winds die down. The USS DeWert and USS Hurricane are also tied below Lock 1 wating for winds to lower. All shipping has been stopped in the canal until winds die down. Rodger
Today the new USS Fort Worth 378' was on her maiden voyage down bound in the Welland Canal from Wisconsin to Galveston Texas. On her sea trials she did 45 knots. Video of Launch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu1jAsJy41U Video of Sea Trials USS Fort Worth LCS 3 pride of Fort Worth Texas! - YouTube Rodger