Welland Canal Blue Moon Motor yacht Blue Moon departing Lock 2 down bound heading south for the winter.
Thanks for posting Rodger. A big shout out to KB! Thanks for the downleg invite. Would have been good therapy and good company. Safe travels old friend!
It was great to meet you, if only from afar. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to get down for a visit, but I was clearing customs at the time. Cheers!
I was just watching a show on HD theater titled "Sword: Life on the Line" and I'm certain I saw Rena in a couple of clips. Kenny, have you gone Prime Time?
You have a very good eye Carl. That was back in September 2008 when they were filming the pilot season of the show. We were docked at DN Kelley's having the new name (RENA) painted on the transom when they rocked up with a film crew to begin the season. It was interesting, to say the least. I even got to meet Linda Greenlaw. Carl- you might even recognize my old Cayenne Turbo S sitting next to the boat if you look closely.
Welland Canal Yacht- Perseverance II Motor yacht Perseverance II down bound Welland Canal above lock heading south.
Yes you are the last one in the Great Lakes, I will leave you some snow shovels and winter boots at lock 1 for your return trip south. Have a safe trip. Rodger
Welland Canal Yacht Rena Down Bound Motor yacht Rena in Lock 3 Welland Canal down bound heading south before the snow arrives.
Carl is missing from those photos! I invited him to make the trip south, but the boat show took precedence.
I thought you might be getting a bit of ice on that new stash from the storm that ran up I-95 yesterday Ken, but it looks like you lucked out. Have a safe journey.
I thought we may get snow too, but it stopped raining and warmed up. Stache season starts after a straight-razor shave on Tuesday, the 1st.
Took To Kolan a 101' Burger up the Welland Canal today. Tomorrow morning taking another Burger 1978 93' Go Fourth. Will post pictures tomorrow of her. Rodger
Today had a quick trip up the canal 3 hours from lock one to lock 7 on Go Fourth a 1978 Burger 93' with a Canadian Coast Guard boat.
Great pics Rodger, hope all is well with you. To Kalon and Unity are now at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club, made for a great couple pictures. To Kalon is in one of the six beautiful new 95ft wells that were just completed this week.
Welland Canal (IL MOSTRO) Guided two yachts up the canal yesterday, Sea Safari 85' Pacific Mainer and Il Mostro (Italian for 'the monster' ) a 70' Puma Ocean racing boat. When she arrived Welland Canal she had a 109.5' air draft and we had four bridges to go under which had a 110' air draft. The captain decided to take of the 5 ' communication antenna just incase the water levels were high. Il Mostro is heading for Chicago and will be in the Mackinac sailboat race . She is owned by the owner of Sea Safari. It was a 8 hour trip up the canal. Here are a few pictures of our trip. Rodger