Last January an old Coast Guard boat Navicula 65' wood hull sank in a boat yard in the Welland Canal at Port Weller. Divers have worked the last five days preparing to remove it from canal. They put air bags around it and brought in a heavy lift barge. When they rasied the boat they attached a snatch block and cable to the barge and tried to pull it out of ship yard to barge with a tug. They had it part way out of ship yard and boat went aground. They are hoping to lift wreck and lower onto a barge then take it to Hamilton to scrap. They have now given up for the night and will try and lift boat tomorrow. Weather today -5 C and snow and water is 40 F
One would think it would be easier to hoist it right onto shore there, then lift it onto a barge or scrap it there.
I agree and also do it in the summer when it's warm. I feel sorry for those divers, they have been in water all week. In her good days. er good days.
USS Milwaukee (LCS-5) Freedom - class littoral combat ship 378.31' long 57.4' wide down bound Welland Canal on her maiden voyage to her home port in San Diego then onto the South China Sea. She was under her own power between locks then when she entered locks the tug back in to lock pulling the ship. Video of sea trials doing 45 knots Video Launch
Regarding NAVICULA, it would appear that a very talented subsurface contractor reconfigured her transom while on the bottom. I love the new "older" look. If you find out who did this, Rodger, I would love to meet them next time through.
New Sea Ray L590 Was locking through with a new L590 Sea Ray today. On the stern of the boat left of the boats name is a orange light that stays on all the time, when the captain engages engine the the light spins in the direction the prop is going. Would like to no what purpose this light is. This is the 5th new Sea Ray up the canal the canal in the last to weeks. In the last two weeks have taken up 14 new boats coming from the factory.I have not seen this many brand new boats come up the canal in a long time and still a few more on my list to come up.
Yeah but the joystick is active anytime the boat is in neutral with Zues, unlike Volvo that a button has to be pushed to activate the joystick. So I'm guessing it's a safety feature to just let people know when the props are moving. Brunswick LOVES to put safety stickers ALL over the I'm guessing it's another way to limit liability exposure.
M/Y SASSY Motor yacht Sassy with her toys up bound Lock 3 heading for the Great Lakes bound lock three bound for the Great Lakes.
TALL SHIPS TO CHICAGO First picture Galeon Andalucia from Spain 39.29 M Second picture Viking Ship Draken Harlod H 34 M There will be more Tall Ships up the Welland Canal this week.
Just goes to show you how much money can be made from hawking submarine sandwiches that are "Freaky Fast" ...
DELAYS ON WELLAND CANAL Erie Canal System issued this Notice To Marniers The real truth is not increase off shipping actualy shipping was down seven percent, but major problem is they have reduced man power on the locks because of new Hands Free Mooring Machines. Yes it is true there are major delays to pleasure craft. I would bypass the Welland Canal if you can get your air draft down to 15' 6" Notice to Mariners Welland Canal – Ontario, CA August 8, 2016 Mariners are advised that due to high volumes of commercial shipping traffic on the St. Lawrence Seaway, recreational mariners can temporarily expect delays of 12-24 hours when passing through the Welland Canal in Ontario, Canada. Vessels with air drafts less than 15.6’ can use the Western Erie Canal instead.