Wally 143 Esense - out and about This beauty is now on the open seas...not sure if she is totally complete thought but for more on her..the Wally site.......http://www.*********/jumpCh.asp?idChannel=26&idNews=454&idLang=IT&attivo=9&idUser=0
I check their site at least once a week... it's one of the few I check regularly. Always good stuff to see there.
Beautiful boat! A bit too empty for large seas but I believe this design will be made a classic...even in 50 years from now! Thanks for the photos.
It seems there are not many photos available of this new Wally beauty. I found this on the HallSpars website which shows Wally on a nice breeze. https://hallspars.com/Content_Images/wally143_1.jpg Funny how it looks like a modern version of a classic J class.
More new pics up at the Wally site this month: Pic 1 Pic 2 There's also two interior pics... they're not specifically named as being on Esense, but since they're brand new I'd assume they are. Interior 1 Interior 2 (this one most surely is)
I can't see anything, The page opens up blank...i dunno...but for some reason...of recent i have not been able to see any pics on the wally site or relating to it...i only see the writing..Its almost like Internet Explorer isnt supporting?...or i dunno.....
New photos of Wally 143 esense Newly published photos and plans of this 143 beauty! On Wally's website http://www.*********/jumpCh.asp?idUser=0&idChannel=38&idLang=IT&idProd=95&attivo=1-2-1
whats the price of the 143? in dollars... the 118 is about 16 million to 29 million. but that price difference is depending on the engine. does that mean that the 143 is cheaper, since there is no engine.... i dunno, lol.
First of all, the 143 does have an engine. It has a Catepillar. It also has two generators. I am actaully suprised that it only has one main engine for her size. The waterjets and the CF superstructure on the Wally 118 are costly. But the 143 has a larger CF hull, the rigging is also made out of carbon fiber and the rigging is not going to be cheap. So, I wouldn't say that the 143 is necessarily cheaper than the Wallypower 118.
hey, thanks for clearing that up. but i still dont know the price... i know its in the millions, just dont know how many of them, lol. anybody know the price?
Unless it comes up for sale, or someone gets a hold of the contract between Wally and her buyer, I doubt you'll ever get much of a clear answer.
I don't think we will ever know the build price for the 143. Even if it is offered for sale, you have to factor in depreciation, also well as the wait associated with a new build which increases the market value of mega-sized yachts. Of course the reliability, past history, specification, layout, interior/exterior design of the yacht also plays a big role. The Wally 143 for instance has a rather unique and unusual layout. I would personally prefer two engines and two props for redundency, maybe even seperate engine rooms especially on a maxi that's meant to cross the ocean. The Wally 94' Y3K was advertised for 7 million euro few months ago. Not sure how much it was actually sold for. A quick look at the sloop and ketch on the market, 130 footers from Jongert and Perini list for around 12.5 mil euro. 160-170 footers from Alloy and Perini Navi list form 20mil to 27 mil. They are pretty different from a Wally, but that can perhaps give you an idea. Mind you that they can list any price they want, but it doesn't mean that they will get that much. For instance, Wally B has been on the market for a long while now. IIRC whne the 118 first came out Wally wanted around 20 million euro for it, but no buys yet as far as I know. The Wally 143 has a CF hull, is flush with no superstructure, and IIRC a canting keel. It is also the first yacht of that size form Wally. So, in terms of build price Wally might have given the buyer a good deal, just so that they can build a good protfolio in the 140' range and start getting into that market segment. In terms of resale though it will probably depend on how well the 143 performs in terms of reliability and performance in the future. My very uneducated guess of it's market value is between 18-25 million euro. Feel free to flame away. Personally I am not a fan of her interior and single engine configuration. The interior might hurt resale value but probably won't make much difference with the build price. Her flush deck looks stunning, but I wonder if the use of carbon fiber instead of rails makes the visibility from helm suffer. Incidentally I heard that the Wallypower 118 does have visibility issues when planning at high speed. There you have it, basically your guess is as good as mine, but I think the 143 is probably worth as much as the Wallypower 118 on the market if not more. p.s. it really doesn't matter how much the 3 water jets cost for Wally, it matters how much Wally is willing to put them on the boat for you.
awesome response, thank you! in ur opinion, what the best yacht, type wally 143, you can get for your money. 140 + foot range. something one could use to travel from peru to miami or miami to germany, hence all over the world. maybe even live on the yacht. every opinion is welcomed. thanx again. vic
Well, once you go into the 140' range. We are talking about 8 digit figures from a well known yard. You can customize the yacht to your desire specification and style. Personally I will feel comfortable giving my money to Perini Navi and Alloy. I like their style and they both have done bigger yachts than a 140 footer. Alloy's Tiara is just stunning. Perini Navi have done some many interesting things, too. Such as using internal water ballast and no keel ballast (again IIRC), and the recent MF Dynorig. I don't know much about Jognert, but they have a rather interesting lifting/folding keel design. Combined with lifting twin rudder, it will allow you to get into really shallow waters. Baltic Yachts have a few 140 footers, but they don't do much for me in terms of style. I love the styling of the Wally, but I have to wait and see how well their bigger 143 and upcoming 148 hold up. I am not sure if I want a CF hull to cruise the world with me. Steel hull is very common and much easier to repair. I think aluminium is my prefered choice for this application. A good compromise. If I am really rich that I can afford to build a new boat should something goes wrong, then CF hull would be great. If you are a serious buyer, contact the different yards and go on sea trails on their boat or charter them for a week. See how you like them before you sign a big cheque.