Wally has done it again. The diversity that they possess is showing tremendously. Come April 2009, the Wally 100' long Sail Yacht that according to Wally is an extention to the Y4K yacht. The yacht will be strong and light.. weighing in at only 57 tonnes because she will be constructed from the pre pregnated Carbon fiber. The vessel is said to be under construction for a 'very passionate yachtsman' and is supposed to family oriented. There are also two pics on the page I provided to give you a good idea of what she will look like. For more on this well designed piece, see the Wally website at... http://www.*********/jumpCh.asp?idChannel=26&idNews=490&idLang=IT&attivo=9&idUser=0 Enjoy!
A video of the journey onboard the Wally 100-foot sailing yacht "Indio" across the Atlantic... Atlantic crossing on Wally 100 Indio with VOR-sailors - YouTube