Hey sbu, I just stumbled across this forum. It's about the only one I can find that is Viking related. Anyway, I have just become a 43dcmy owner and thought I would reach out and see if there is any interest in staying in contact in order to share information. My boat has the original ships papers, I've actually seen them but I can't find them now. Everything is upside down as the admiral and I go thru the boat a sort out 36 years of "fluff". Post or reach out to me via PM if it's available. I'm new to the site. Bob
Hi, I got my 78 43dcmy last year. I am looking to find how the Viking Serpent on the bow was originally appointed.. It looks like it was gold leaf but it is painted blue now. Looking for options to "restore" it to a better state or colr scheme.
I just painted mine , I have a 86 41 sportfish. I made the serpent green, kept the V black, the tongue red and the fin on the top gold. I haven't put it on the boat yet but looks good on the wall of my shop. Pat
That sounds very sharp. Do you have a picture you could post. My first thought was more sedate: the black V with a green\blue Serpent..
I don't think they approve of that. I will tell you I called Viking and they were very responsive. Viking Painted them based on the buyer's request. The original owner of my boat asked for gold leaf. Some were all black. Some had a Black V with a Blue or Burgundy serpent. When I got the boat they had many coats of a dark Blue over the Gold. One is completed with Black and a lighter blue. I will post it.
I should have thought about the cell number thing a little better, it's just so common. I put the Serpent on just before i went in the water, it looks good.
Have owned our 1976 Viking for a little over three years. Most of that time spent in a complete interior refit and work on the hull. Lots of pictures. She is the best boat we have ever owned!
I am in Texas and have an 85 41 in resto mode. Wouls love to be part. Before we bought I looked hi and low for a group like this hoping for information before I bought.