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Using the Washing machine?

Discussion in 'Post Yacht' started by PtJudeRI, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    He is from New York - The natives are not well known for their tolerance of others.
  2. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Exactly. I don't do things just because some fool wants to dictate how I live. If you dump a million gallons of raw sewage, fill the water with fertilizer from your landscaping and the gray water from your homes, don't tell me not to take a shower on my boat. You won't like my response. America was founded by individuals who questioned rules that were wrong. Granted America has become a nation of sheep, but not all of us.
    True immaturity is allowing others to tell you how to live without question. Last person that got to do that was my mother and that ended by the time I was 13.
  3. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    And being a New Yorker I suppose you consider everyone who has a different idea or thought to you to be a fool.
  4. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Nope. I consider all things and then makeup my own mind. What I don't do is follow blindly or let others run my life.
    What you've got here is politicians and loud mouths telling a few million boat owners that they must spend hundreds if not thousands to retrofit their boats without proving that they are doing any harm .

    Who is a fool is the person who would try to impose their code of conduct on me without invitation, especially from such a vulnerable position as a kayak.

    Now if you don't want soap in the water take on the soap manufacturers and the retail stores. Take on Poctor & Gamble. Have some B's. Don't make the mistake of coming at me because you think that I, as an individual, will cower and subject myself to being bullied.
  5. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    P.S. At an average of 11 gals per shower, a family of 4 needs a minimum holding capacity of 176 gals. for a 4 day weekend, and that's not counting washing hands, brushing teeth or doing dishes. So is everyone here prepared and have the space to install (retrofit) say a 250 gal. gray water tank on their 25', 30' or 50' boats? Plus the plumbing? Are all the pumpout facilities prepared to take that gray water and pay for it to be trucked away? Are they prepared to have their fuel docks clogged up with people pumping out instead of buying fuel?
  6. Caltexflanc

    Caltexflanc Senior Member

    Sep 25, 2011
    North Carolina
    But that is just not the case when it comes to gray water today. So yes I will rebel when people "care" about something for bogus reasons, and when politicians cynically shirk their duty by diverting attention away from root causes that are urgent. Oh yes, it is the reality here in the USA, a very very large one that is getting kicked down the road to future generations.

    That kayaker could lead by example and get off the water. Stop scraping his plastic hull along the bottom and rocks, introducing non-native petroleum based chemicals into the water. Of course he must be washing his kayak meticulously between uses and destinations so he is not introducing any non-native flora or fauna into new-to-him waterways. And I certainly hope that guy on the sailboat, who is not discharging gray water doesn't have any sort of bottom paint, and never runs an auxiliary engine, and doesn't have any batteries gassing into the atmosphere.
  7. Bamboo

    Bamboo Senior Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    Palm Beach, FL
    I have a washer/dryer- you put the clothes in and it washes then drys them. You come back and pull out the dry clothes. I love it. It handles four full size bath towels; I use it all the time and it's a time saver for sure. If your boat does alot of laundry it may not be for you.
  8. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Don't get me started on Blumeberg. He was probably the kayaker who couldn't mind his own business. However the cars only on the parkways is because the lanes are thinner and the bridges are lower. They're not designed for trucks. NYC has a "natural" noise level that is damaging to the human ear, I think it's something like 91Dbs. So horns have to be abated, and we'll save the gun ban for a Craigslist discussion on gun control. Bloomberg is the new, gentrified NYer. I'm old school.:D
  9. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Not sure how we got into discharge laws, but notice the word "laws." I'm not going to get in a debate of whether they're reasonable or not. As they are, the only issue is whether we choose to be law abiding or not. There are many laws I don't like but abide by. We can't just all select which ones to follow and which to ignore. Civilized societies don't do that. My philosophy is if I don't like a law to work to change it. But unless following it causes me to go against some very important moral belief or experience some major harm in some way, I'll follow them. I think you should be able to just yield at stop signs instead of coming to a complete stop but I abide by the law and avoid the tickets. I don't like the new light bulbs we have to use, but I use them. I either use the holding tank or I go offshore, treat and release.
  10. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Until just a few years ago it was legal to shoot a resident of Rhode Island if he ventured into Massachusetts. I haven't killed any. Marijuana was illegal, but I'd still give some to a friend suffering through Kemo. In Hampton Florida they annexed a 1200' stretch of Rte. 301, dropped the speed limit for that section and hid the speed limit signs. It made them millions in speeding violations. They're about to have their status as a city revoked and a bunch of their leaders will be going to jail. Someone apparently didn't agree that just because they were able to legally do something it should be tolerated. We have some ridiculous laws on the books, and I won't follow them just because someone saw a way they could make money or exert power.

    BTW, what you're referring to is black water. This is about gray water. BIG difference. I'd venture to guess that none of your boats are equipped with a gray water tank, except possibly your new one. Feel like retrofitting them. I figure you'll probably need about a 2,000 gal. tank from the use you've described. Maybe you could convert a stateroom for it. Then think about having to go pump it out every week, and the fuel dock you'll be clogging up while you do it, and what it'll cost the fuel dock owner to truck it out with the sewage, and the extra tanks he'll have to install to handle the huge volume.
  11. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno
    Yield signs serve a purpose, as do stop signs.

    Traffic Signs, Signals and Road Markings

    Black and grey tanks also serve a purpose.

    Some day, NDZ's will specify both restrictions more clearly.


    However, if you pinch a loaf or whiz in you washing machine or dishwasher, then it would be necesary to pipe the discharge to the black tank and the debate would terminate.
  12. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office

    Ed, You can whinge and bleat as much as you like.

    The simple fact is the rules and regs are changing and like it or not you along with everyone else affected by this will eventually have to comply or face the consequences which may include be banned from an area, a fine and or scorn from your peers - not that this last one would have much effect on a New Yorker:)

    The boats in the Med that need the truck or barge are having to pay for it. If I recall correctly it worked out at about 50c a Gal to have it taken away if you went for that option.

    During the MYS the POO Trucks were not visible during the day so I guess the rules were relaxed for the show time.
  13. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    The rules were relaxed for the show? I thought this gray water was an environmental catastrophy...or is it once again someone with a truck or barge company creating an industry and a rule to insure their profits. Obviously when bigger money comes to town the rules change.
    You're right about me not giving a hot d... about scorn from a bunch of weenies, and I'll now encourage boaters in this area to boycott Nantucket. Let them deal with the NMMA about requiring graywater tanks on all boats, and whether their law must have a grandfather clause under existing law. It'll only increase the price of a new boat by a few thousand dollars, kill a few sales and force all boaters to retrofit their boats at a cost of thousands. I'm sure nobody will mind. BTW, have you noticed that a lot of lawyers also happen to be boaters? With the word now out on YF it's only a matter of time before the first lawsuits get filed against the town of Nantucket. Hope they have a very big war chest.
    P.S. we're not talking about 40 gals. of poo. We're talking about hundreds and thousands of gallons of gray water.
  14. Caltexflanc

    Caltexflanc Senior Member

    Sep 25, 2011
    North Carolina
    The Nantucket ordinance just says you can't use a mechanical laundry or dishwasher. Dumb, IMO, but I can live with that. It would make staying there for more than a couple-three days, especially on a mooring, unattractive, but we never liked it for more than that anyway. First time we went there was the week after the week after Labor Day. They were already starting to pull moorings and as I recall the launch service was no longer running. Once we got on land the over-riding impression was the horrendous amount of car traffic, making a walk around town and the outskirts of town quite unpleasant. We went a couple more times for one nighters due to guest requests, but I preferred staying on the boat out on the mooring or goofing around on the Whaler rather than set foot on land there again. To this day you ask my wife to do a word association with "Nantucket" and she will respond "Traffic!!!"
  15. Dave Stranks

    Dave Stranks Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    Coal Harbor Vancouver
    I remember seeing the stats on tests coming from a cruise ships black and grey water tanks and the fecal counts and BOD were surprisingly high on the grey water. Final conclusions were waste washed off body's and people peeing in the showers Plus the warm water environment fats and oils make a perfect growth medium.
  16. Caltexflanc

    Caltexflanc Senior Member

    Sep 25, 2011
    North Carolina
    You should give up boating (are you a boater? Really?). Set an example! Boating of any type is an awful thing, introducing so many man made materials, both organic and inorganic into the aquatic environment, no matter what the build and use of your craft is.

    You are equating cruise ships (based on stats from some murky source) with pleasure boats??
  17. Dave Stranks

    Dave Stranks Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    Coal Harbor Vancouver
    You are equating cruise ships (based on stats from some murky source) with pleasure boats??

    I was there ?
    Worked as advisor Navy's, Ferries and Cruise ships with this stuff

    Its all about perception
    If someone got their tittys in a wringer like a 14 Mil fine I gave them the equipment and the knowledge to fix their problem and the fine was reduced because they were responsible company that was forward thinking .

    Did job on two ships fixed them up and then asked about the other 50 in fleet.
    Their reply was
    At this point we know the technology is available and will proceed at time were we feel that it is warranted.
    "You mean when you get caught you will call me"

    Its all perception don't get caught by flaunting your stuff. Being big and tough and blaming others for being bigger polluters won't work .The attention will be on you alone the rest of the world doesn't matter.
    So just be smart keep the bubbles down ---stay invisible

    :)Did anyone ever figure out how to take the insert out of the wash machine? :)
  18. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno


    Time will tell.

  19. Chapstick

    Chapstick Member

    Jul 5, 2011
    Yep, so we should be taking every possible step we can to minimise the damage. We can't currently eliminate it unless we stop boating, but we can reduce it by, for example, using low impact detergents and not dumping grey water over the side when we can avoid it.

    Or take on the people actually putting the soap in the water, and money in the soap manufacturers pockets?
    Take some responsibility for your own actions.
  20. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    I just got a note from Lars that he soft deleted several "rhymes" in this thread. I just viewed them and I agree. This thread about washing machines. Lets keep it clean folks.