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Trumpy Yachts

Discussion in 'Trumpy Yacht' started by YachtForums, Jan 12, 2004.

  1. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    very nice pictures! keep them coming!

    a couple of days ago, I spent a few hours behind Freedom, between Great Lock VA and Coinjock NC... always a treat to see her and other classics alive and well!

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  2. vlafrank

    vlafrank Senior Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Silver Spring, MD
    Does anyone know when

    we will see some brand new Trumpys? Brave, bold things have been printed about them, but have any been built? Any input would be appreciated.
  3. BruceMcD

    BruceMcD Guest

    I wondered about the colorized pic myself. Must have been an oversight. It would be unlike my grandfather my grandfather to not identify it if it was not the Captiva. I'm just learning about Trumpy's myself. :) Was amazed to find no vintage pics online. You have an exclusive. Ha!
  4. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    I heard/read somewhere that there had been no solid interest for Vicem built "new Trumpys" and that they had dropped the project.
  5. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    The Vicem story is old news. Trumpy has a deal in place with a new builder.

    We loaned them our brokerage 58' Cruiser 1970 "Lieselotte" pictured below, to display at the Annapolis Show. These boats always attract an enormous amount of attention at boat shows. It seems like there just is not an abundance of buyers out there for new ones, or vintage models either for that matter. I guess the reniassance guys don't have the disposable cash like they did just a few years ago.

    Perhaps the new Trumpys should be built out of (the "F" word) instead of wood composite. Somehow though, that just wouldn't be right.

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  6. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    Beautiful boat. I have a great interest in American built cruisers from the late 1950's to the mid 1970's. Am I correct to assume the boat was originally built with an open aft deck?
  7. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    Except for all new machinery, we believe "Lieselotte" to be 100% original. She is the only Trumpy cruiser ever built with a centerline master berth, and the full teak bow rails. She has been shed kept since new, most of that time at the same yard just South of Annapolis.
  8. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    There was a 58' named Aurora V in SoCal a few years ago. I believe it was an earlier build. That one had Ozzie & Harriet's in the master and Stainless bow rails as you mentioned are the usual. It had been very well cared for also.

    I always have an eye out for that classic boat, lucky enough to have the right owner. I'm sure there are times you question the amount of effort, but it is truly a noble cause. Best to those of you who keep watch over our boating history.
  9. FutureYachter

    FutureYachter Member

    Jun 5, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    The Aurora V was John Trumpy's last personal yacht. She is in Newport Beach, CA and is for sale:

    She's a year older than Liesolette and does have the stainless bow rails. Another beautiful and well cared for yacht. I agree with you RER, thank goodness for those who keep watch over our boating history. It's a lot of work and money to be a steward of these beautiful pieces of our heritage.
  10. Flying Lady

    I lettered the name in gold leaf on the transom, life rings and name boards on the Flying Lady. I've also done the same on a couple other Trumpy's like the "Enticer" and the "USS Sequoia". I always feel like it's a great privilege to work with such rich sources of history.

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  11. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    It states in your profile, you're an "Artist, Entreprenuer, Gold leaf expert". It's a little concerning that you're a lettering expert, but you can't spell Entrepreneur?

    I have reduced the size of you pic from 1024 pixels to our required 640 pixels. Please read our rules before further posting.
  12. My, my aren't we testy today. My picture was listed as 78.1 kb by your forum specs. If it came through over size it's not my fault. And yes I spelled entrepreneur wrong. Even experts make mistakes. Except you possibly. Oh, and thanks for making me feel welcome.

    If you would kindly remove me from your forum I'd be most appreciative.
  13. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    Hello Sequoia Artist,

    That was the official Welcome! to YachtForums. You even received it directly from our forum host.

    If you decide to hang around, you will find that this is not the internet "free for all" that you find on many forums. This is a closely moderated group of yachting professionals from around the world that offer an amazing body of knowledge and wisdom. Your input here is very welcome.

    If you proceed slowly, read whats here including the rules, and refrain from blatant self promotion, you may find what I believe is the best place on the net for yachting folks.

    Hang around a while and see for yourself.
  14. alloyed2sea

    alloyed2sea Moderator

    Jan 28, 2004
    Alex, VA
    SAY What?

    Oh great, now we are quibbling about a French word "invented" by Jean-Baptiste Say, (Yes, he was the 19th century French economist believed to have coined the word "entrepreneur" which he defined as "one who undertakes an enterprise, especially a contractor, acting as intermediatory between capital and labour.") But I digress.
    Still, for $25 (or 75 francs), who knows what Jean-Baptiste would say about the current glut of yachts on the world market?
    PS - Great artwork SA, dont quit now.:p

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  15. I joined this forum in 2007 and made I think one comment back in 2009. There are a number of services I perform that I'm sure a lot of people on this forum would be interested in. But I know the rules and don't indulge in "blatant" self promotion. I don't join forums to be confrontational. It's counterproductive. I made a comment because one of the boats I lettered was pictured and I am always proud of the fact that I have done work on some of these fine boats.

    Re-read the reply to my post. I can't see how that can be construed as a welcome.

    If anyone is interested in seeing more pictures of my gold leaf work, send me an email. I'm not promoting my business. I'm almost completely retired from it. Maybe some people would like to see some examples of a dying art.
  16. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    My bad. As a writer, I'm a little more sensitive than most. As a boat owner who hired a professional to letter the side of my boat, only to end up looking like an @ss because the "s" was left out of the name by an illiterate sign painter, I've become a bit of a stickler. It appeared Sequoia's first post was to promote his business and that was enough to make the admin become an @ssmin.

    Welcome to YF Sequoia.

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  17. I've been lettering for almost thirty years and I've never spelled a name wrong for a customer. But, like most of us I do make typos once in awhile(more frequently as I get older). I've won national and international awards for my work. I don't own a boat nor do I know much about them. But I do greatly appreciate a Trumpy and any boat that has a good gold leaf lettering job. How long did it take for you to notice the name was spelled wrong on your boat?
    Apology accepted.
  18. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    I knew it right away, but I had a boat race and aerial photo shoot scheduled 48 hours after the lettering was complete. I changed it two weeks later. And changed my sign painter too.
  19. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    Somewhat historic photo of "Washngtonian"

    A friend from the Trumpy community handed me some photos yesterday. Among them was this wonderful shot of "Washingtonian" taken a number of years ago in St. Michaels Harbor, Maryland. She is a handsome yacht.

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  20. Bow Scroll

    Bow Scroll New Member

    Jan 24, 2010
    North Carolina
    She's still a beauty

    Sea Eric,
    Thanks for the photo. We have spent the last year getting her back in pristine condition and she had a bit of a coming out party March 27th in The Great Trumpy Race in honor of Moores Marine's 25 years. However, Washingtonian did display her prowess by whipping Jim Moores' Aurora II in a 6 mile race highlighting the fact that the pre-war 1939 Trumpy was more graceful and faster than the younger post-war 1947 Aurora II. Here is a photo of her launch in December Last Year. We have spent the winter in West Palm Beach finishing up her details and expect to visit St. Michaels for the summer in around mid may. Come visit.

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