Bergen and Sognefjord We arrived Bergen on a sunny day, but the weather showed its usual characteristics and we had rain all the rest of the time until we have arrived to Sognefjord. We berthed next to Bryggen, which was a trading post of Hanse league traders mainly from Germany. The foundation of this trading post date back to 14th century. The wooden building in the picture are the remaining of this center. Today this is the center of Bergen and the most tourist area. The fish market is at the end of the quay. There were nice king crabs for sale.
Bergen and Sognefjord I have taken the phenicular and have taken some pictures of the harbor and the city, but it was raining heavily and there was not enough light. I am sure in a sunny day this could be very picturesque. The distance from Bergen to the entrance of Sognefjord is around 60 nautical miles. On the way we have come across this surfer where it was blowing over 35 knots. The water temperature was around 12 degrees. I would not consider surfing in winter in Turkey While we were moving through a narrow channel we have come across this nice open boat. Maybe a bit ambitious for Norway climate, but could be a good choice for the Med. I could not figure out the make, does any of our friends from the area have an idea? The next boat was a very nice fishing boat, suitable for the region.
Bergen and Sognefjord The weather was also overcastted in the fjord. We moved into a fjord arm under the interesting bridge to stay at anchorage for the night. At the outer side of the bridge the water depth was 400 meters and in the fjord arm it was as deep as 150 meters. I have to admit I was of the opinion that Turkish coast was deep, we usually anchor around 30-40 meters water depth. After having been through the fjord I would reconsider my thoughts. In the fjord arm a local came over to our boat. His family was living in this place over 650 years. That is some good indication of being a local.
Bergen and Sognefjord In the first days I was getting excited by each waterfall, but when you have them all over the place they loose their attraction, unless it is a very special one. The picture with houses is from Vik.
Bergen and Sognefjord This waterfall was on the way to Skojendel arm of the fjord and was really impressive. I wonder how it feels to live down below, because the waterfall was heard with a very strong roar. The town in the picture is Belastrand and the next picture is the fjord arm extending to Fjaerland.
Bergen and Sognefjord The glacier that you see is at the end of Fjaerland and is the highest in North Europe. I have also taken some close up shots. The last picture is from Naeroyfjord, which in my opinion is one of the most impressive arms. As the name indicates, this is a very narrow arm of the fjord and the hills start and rise up to 100+ meters, making one feel so small.
Bergen and Sognefjord I was a bit late in taking the picture of this family and missed the other two kayaks, which was driven by the mother and the daugther. The next boat is "Lone Ranger", we came across her at the far end of Naeroyfjord. We stayed at anchor and had this nice picture in the morning. The last picture was coming out of Naeroyfjord.
Bergen back to Holland We planned our trip back to Holland as a direct route from Bergen to Holland. This was a trip of approximately 36 hours. The 1st 60 miles of the trip is within sheltered waters and the remaining approximately 500 is through the North Sea. While leaving Bergen we encountered a Moonen 85. She was ex"Gluck Auf" and her new name is "Nickeline". The impressive off-shore vessel "Polar Prince" is owned by Saipem, an Italian Oil company. We had very strong showers with some sun shine, which created beautiful rainbows.
Bergen back to Holland We had weather forecast for force 5-6 beaufort, which increased to 7-8 as we moved out to North Sea. We were having the seas from our aft starboard quarters and some of waves were around 5+ meters. We have seen wind speeds up to 47 knots during gusts, but the wind was blowing around 34-38 knots all the time. I know that most of the sailors has the tendency to exagrate the conditions, but I had the chance to make some photos of a passing ship as we approached the Dutch waters. The conditions have slightly improved, and we were capable of taking the seas from our beam. Still this is a good proof to show the sea conditions. The ship is m/t "Trans Sud" of Seatrans Norway. Her loa is 96 meters. More details are in the link.
Hi Nilo! Welcome back to Holland. Great to read and see your adventures. I hope you like the new boat and I can see you're putting her through her paces. Don't forget to make a stopover here in Scheveningen (The Hague). If you give me a call, we can go and have a bite here in the marina. There's plenty of good fish restaurants around. Cheers, Bruno
Hi Nilo: Thanks for an excellent travelogue from a beautiful part of the world. Regarding your transit of the North Sea, isn't it amazing how rough the seas can be, and then you look at your own photos afterwards and think "it wasn't that calm." Did I miss what type of boat you were on or are you being private about that?
A very awe inspiring journey. It's not often you come accross a submarine in your travels. Some of the images you captured are superb. Thanks for sharing Nilo.