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Tipping the Crew

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by colintraveller, Jul 2, 2011.

  1. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale

    Its dark at night :rolleyes:
  2. sagharborskip

    sagharborskip Senior Member

    Sep 7, 2008
    Sag Harbor, NY
    This is awesome!

    I left this morning (for work) and this thread was only finishing page 2!

    What are you guys doing all day? You must be getting by on tips! (Fat ones!)


    @Tirekicker - what does it mean you share Mr. Pink's Calvinist mores?

    Let's leave the religious aside and just say Calvinism is based on a "pick yourself up by your boot straps" kind of thing...

    OK, that's all well and good, but do you realize you're actually exhibiting behavior that is pretty much universally detested in Americans traveling abroad?

    That is, to be completely insensitive to local custom. And in your case, not just to be insensitive to it, but to consciously disregard it.

    There's a saying, "When in Rome...", which means you follow local custom. If you don't, you're ignorant if you didn't know better and just plain rude if you did and just ignored it.

    Tipping is CUSTOMARY. Plain and simple. Not rocket science. You might not agree, but then again, you don't get to spit your gum on the ground in Singapore, either.

    Sure, you can go on pushing your rock up that hill, or "shoveling sh*t against the tide", as my father would have said, and see where that gets you.

    Working for tips is a GREAT way to get GREAT service. Whoever thinks they're going to get great service "just because", is living in a dream world.

    What's the difference b/t tips and commissions, anyway? Would it make you feel better if yacht crews or waiters were paid on commission? They do the same thing: they foster a culture of selling more/better service. For the most part, they work.

    Anyway, hi to all and glad to see you've all been hard at work all day!
  3. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Hey, come on Dan. It's Wednesday. My Sunday was 0800 to 2300. I deserve a day off (to mow my lawn and pay my bankers).:D
  4. colintraveller

    colintraveller Senior Member

    Oct 20, 2010
    7.25 dollars isn't any better than here

    The minimum wage in place of work is £6.05 ...

    Minimum wages are the worst law ever created because it gives employers legal ground to pay wage be it border line just enough for a person to live on when the cost of living has sky rocketed

    And some places will say to you that you get a share of the tip's the employer will say a over realistic figure is using to as a ploy to get staff without having to pay there staff a better wage and your not garunteed the same per night / week ..

    I believe one should pay there staff accordingly and if an employer can't see who are the hard grafters and who are the layabout's then there is something wrong .

    You tip those for the service they have provided because they went above and beyond the call of duty made you feel welcome and not ignore you and not overly harrass you ..
  5. tirekicker11

    tirekicker11 Senior Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    SE Asia
    That's another issue overlooked in this discussion.
    Someone with a desire to have a stable position and a stable income (working single parents) is unwillingly made into a business partner when they have to rely on tips. The business owner decided to start his own business and by doing that he agreed to take on certain risks, not the waiting staff. When the waiting staff is heavily relying on tips are they also partly in charge of the business strategies?

    K1W1, Scotsmen are scrooges, Dutch are just on the verge of being stingy.
    Sagharborskip, Dutch people know that they are on the verge of being stingy and we blaim that to our Calvinistic roots. My post has nothing to do with religion.
  6. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Not the worst law, just crafted poorly. It's only a safety net. Otherwise employers would be offering $o.25 an hour in the name of job creation, an idea that is actually being floated by certain politicians. Of course slavery would create even more jobs.