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Time for a change?

Discussion in 'Carver Yacht' started by Carver38, Aug 22, 2014.

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  1. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I think the Express are nicer to hang out at the marina's because you have a very nice seating area and table and such right at dock level. Also all of your drinks, food and such isn't far. But I agree, totally different feel and a good summary between the two boats.

    I too would like to see more hours, but if it was winterized every year, that could account for the lack of hours and be a little more understandable. That being said the 1991 I managed had 670hrs origional, it got run every 2 weeks at the dock and the owner used it 3-4 times a year to basically go 12 miles maximum. I ran it all of the way from Ft. Laud to South Carolina (700NM) with no issues whatsoever on the motors or generator (besides a generator impellor) and ran at cruise as much as we could.

    If you're decent at running a boat, I don't think a thruster is even a consideration on this model. Very little windage and the boat handles very very well to just the gears. It's super easy to run and dock these 50'
  2. ksbguy

    ksbguy Member

    Aug 14, 2012
    Why don't you just buy a bigger Carver :) ? New toy and you know you will like it. Myself I could never go back to a cave boat after having a bridge boat with a full beam salon...
  3. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    I would encourage you to think what you like most about the Carver as well as anything you don't like. Then evaluate why make a change, especially to a different type boat entirely. Switching either way between your Carver and the Sea Ray would be a major change.

    Also, don't rush the decision. That is not the last Sea Ray that will come up for sale. In fact, it might get cheaper while you're thinking.

    So much depends on your boating. The Sea Ray could really be fun for weekend boating. Yet, for long cruises of weeks or months, space becomes more valuable, multiple levels, and places sometimes just to get away from each other. For many couples being able to do that is very important.

    Guests are a critical point too. We love our coupe with 2 or 4 aboard. Give us 8 - 12 though and we want bigger and want a bridge. Compare the two boats side by side on a worksheet or spreadsheet or a form you make one. Element by element. Put the differences in front of you on paper. Then decide which are most important.

    If you still need a toy after buying a larger Carver, you can always do it with your dinghy or tender. I know many never use their tenders or use them only to get to shore, but after cruising one day for 10 to 12 hours then we find it such fun to put the tender in the water and explore the next day.
  4. autowerks

    autowerks Member

    Sep 27, 2011
    Chicago Illinois
    I have owned a 4207 for several years. I am currently in the market for a three cabin boat so I am looking at Sea Ray 55 SB, 55 Ocean Sport fish, 54 Bertrams and basically anything else that can accommodate myself, three kids and a girlfriend. Every time we step on a bigger boat my girlfriend looks at me and comments that its not much bigger inside than the Carver. If you spend a lot of time on board, in the cabin, you may regret switching to a cruiser. Since I enjoy cooking, the first thing I look at is the galley, master bed and head. You will be hard pressed to find the amount of space your carver affords you in any express under 50ft.
  5. ranger58sb

    ranger58sb Senior member

    Aug 20, 2013
    Chesapeake Bay, USA

    Interesting info, thanks.

  6. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    I must disagree with you on this.
    First, I've been put into 3 docking situations just last week that were so tight that a thruster was a godsend. One of them involved finding out I had no reverse on one engine as I was coming straight at a rock wall with rock jetties close on both sides. Could I have managed without? Probably (which will bring me to second reason), but I'm glad I didn't have to.

    Second, the OP doesn't have anywhere near our experience.

    Third, a bow thruster is the type of thing that comes back to you at resale. Most of what you paid, and very likely makes the sale possible because it eliminates exactly the kind of question being made here. When you're selling you want to say "yes it does", not try to convince the buyer he won't need what he thinks he does. When buying this Hat that was a major consideration when deciding what to bid on and what to offer. After purchase the bow thruster was the first thing ordered for this boat despite these boats handling very well. It made the boss feel more secure, and made my life easier. I consider it a good investment on boats over 45'.
  7. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I agree with your points. BUT the 50' searay is probably one of the easiest boats I have ever docked. It handles exceptionally well. Also, you're advising the OP to install a $15,000 thruster on a $100,000 boat. You will never get that money back.
  8. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    You're absolutely right in your assessment, but I still say good investment if it only makes the boat more salable. He wondered. Others will also. If there's 2 50 Sea Rays for sale in equal condition for close to equal money, the thruster could easily make that the one to sell. Then there's reasons 2 & 1.
  9. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    To the OP, if you do buy the 50'. One modification the owner of the 1991 did was he had an aluminum hardtop made that was 8"+ taller than the origional arch and we had a stamoid type vinyl on it and strataglass to that and it gave the cockpit standup headroom and really made the boat sharp but also gave the helm deck a lot more headroom and a lot more visibility from the helm instead of the really height limited bimini top that always leaked inside the boat and made it 1000 degrees inside there in the summer with everything closed. The strataglass had an overhang and zippers little smilies at the top on the front 3 panels and we could leave those open without worry of rain and it would breathe. It cost $16k but that included straglass on 3 sides and a stamoid top across the cockpit, of which the buyer then put a camper type back there.....

    I could find pictures of it if you want.
  10. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey
    One other thing to seriously think about is the bridge boat is so much easier to see out of, especially in rain or a serious chop.

    The Sea Ray is superior for dockside entertaining as mentioned.

    A compromise as all boats are.

    My buddy has a 42 SR and we love hanging on the back deck for cocktails. The wet bar and ice maker right there,,, it's a party boat.
  11. Aimhii

    Aimhii Member

    Sep 22, 2013
    Port Severn

    Please port them
  12. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    For some reason I cannot save and post them. Here is the link. The listing is old and the boat has long been sold (Dec 2013)

    Peter Kehoe & Associates

    If that doesn't pull them up, just click see listings, go to page 4 and I think it's the bottom boat "Diamonds Are Forever"