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Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by Oneiros, Dec 12, 2009.

  1. Oneiros

    Oneiros Member

    Dec 17, 2006
    lulea Sweden the land of the midnightsun
    the drive

    some more pic

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  2. Oneiros

    Oneiros Member

    Dec 17, 2006
    lulea Sweden the land of the midnightsun
    summer of 2011

    hi some pic from last summer

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  3. Oneiros

    Oneiros Member

    Dec 17, 2006
    lulea Sweden the land of the midnightsun
    What happens here. where have all the Old roamer gone

    ILELBOAT New Member

    Jul 22, 2007
    Starved Rock Yacht Club Ottawa, Illinois 61350
    We are still here, Every year we lose some Roamers and Roamer owners. Here in the states most boat owners go for the flashy new plastic boats, very few boaters want to get dirty like we do. Your work on your Roamer is like the work I have done, I have gone a bit slower than you have. Replaced the steel from the engine room back on a 46'. Right now I'm looking for a compressor for sand blasting. The work you have done makes me think of you as a God saver of Roamers. Some day I will have to take the time to post pictures of my project. ILELBOAT
  5. Oneiros

    Oneiros Member

    Dec 17, 2006
    lulea Sweden the land of the midnightsun
    How nice, I'll change a little sheet metal between my engines I started to blast last fall, but it was too cold weather now we have warmer weather it is only a few degrees celicus so next week I'll blasting and welding.
    I have also Dragin into water-borne underfloor heating'll put some pictures if I will remember how to do it
  6. whitefantastic

    whitefantastic New Member

    May 1, 2007
    diversey harbor, chgo il.
    Hello there Oneiros! I've been following your thread since you've started posting back in 2009! I live in Chicago, so I'm only an hour or so drive, away from Milwaukee. I remember seeing your boat for sale, and thinking about buying it myself. But at the time, I was in the middle of rehabbing my 1966, 33 ft roamer. At the time, I was getting pretty antsy about getting in the water, and was debating to maybe just dump my boat, and buy the one you bought. But I was 3/4 done, and thought I'd keep getting my hands dirty and finish mine.
    Let me first say what a wonderful job you've done on your roamer!! Awesome job!!! I'm sorry to hear that that surveyor screwed you over like that! He never mentioned the hull patching!?
    It took me almost 6 years to finish mine, and get her in the water. (Only working on her in the summer months, plus a having a full time job).
    I've had an great time boating with mine since first putting her in the water in 2010, and have been telling many friends, numerous times about the story of your roamer, and all that you've been through. I've always meant to get all of my pictures together from the journey on my boat, and post them here, but life, and what not always got in the way. I've done several small, and big rehabs on her over the years, while still enjoying her in the summer months. And have some great pics. I will try to get them together this week, and try to figure out how to post them.
    I pulled up your old posts last night to see how you did some of your welding. My hull has always been sound, and free of and rust, until this year! Ugh!!! I was at the boat yard a few weeks ago, pulling my hatches off to replace a few rotted boards, and noticed a little surface rust on the bow, below the water line. Upon further investigation, I found that the hull had rusted through around the keel, on both sides. Just a small spot, and looks like it rusted from the inside out. I've always noticed that water just sat in certain spots, and never drained fully. Lack of drain plugs I suppose, since I only have 1, mid-ship between the motors. I've also read the water gets in between the original rust proofing, and will rot it out from there. Either way, I will be cutting out the rusted areas next week, and re-welding in some new steel. I will also be pounding away at the rest of the hull, in case I find more rusted spots. My fingers are crossed that I will not find anymore! Ha ha!
    I will keep you posted on how she's coming along.
    Again, great job on your roamer!!! You are a true inspiration to old boat owners!!!
    I hope this post finds you well! All the best, joe.
  7. Oneiros

    Oneiros Member

    Dec 17, 2006
    lulea Sweden the land of the midnightsun
    Hey what fun to hear that you seen our boat yes it has been an absolutely fantastic journey from Miwake to Lulea but both my wife and I love the sea and the archipelago of LuleƄ this boat season begins in mid-May and extends to early Octoberwe have launched her every year except last summerI have had her in a warm boathouse past but the last few years I have had her here on my farm so the work I have started in March and I have come rather late in the lake but it is ok to work with the boat's a pleasurethis year I'll blast the engine compartment and then I paint with the red lead and the last with a white oil paint addition should I mount the floor heating in the salon I have built a large tank 120liter the water will be heated by the engine cooling water, and then it should be circulated in a closed system hope you understand my bad English we might meet in the US I plan on going on a Chris Craft boat meeting in Huronget to see when it will be of now I'll be more active on the site a bit boring to some friends here do not write as much as before I got in touch with a former owner of our boat but he did not know who was the first owner
    Erik the swed
  8. Eddie B

    Eddie B New Member

    Feb 8, 2019
    How did it turn out Joe
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