New platings HI At last, now is they new plates on the spot welding, welding and grinding duration yes 8 weeks seven days a week in the sun and the rain finally first new plate image 5 Erik the crazy Swed
Yes he is.. Cheers! Another Roamer Hero! Yes, he is doing it right and not being over-charged. This job is an inspiration to all! Keep it up... Fans are in the stands cheering Bring it on! $17.00 per hour! Now that's a deal.
Yeee Yes, the future boats and automobiles were something else. Remember when I was a sailor went ashore in Tacoma a late summer day in 1974 I was totally crazy about all the big beautiful cars from the late 1960s Yes the engine was produced from the 50s to late 90s. if I remember it right. here in Sweden we prefer diesel engines in the boats in Sweden, diesel cars are becoming more and more. Hehe I our women is something special they really beautiful, you've been given over to the Americans thought of Greta Garbo, Ingrid Bergman, Anna Anka. Well our women know what they want
Swwedish Woman Ok... you bought an old American woman and are turninig her into a Swedish woman. This means your boat is now more beautiul. Also of course, less beam Ours are not even close to yours.. I know that.. can I have one? Our girls graduated from Burger King University then go on to be 18 wheeler drivers. Also, I was an NCAA Ski Racer. Stenmark to this day.. is the finest skier the world has ever known. I met him in Vail at the World Cup. No he was much faster. He had a very blah boring personality though. I remember this about him. He was a chicken to run the DownHill too, but he is to Skiing what Tiger Woods is to Golf.. your greatest athlete ever!
Absolutely Ingermar Stenmark was born in a small village not far from my home village, he remains a true sportsman, a condition that a 20-year-old often with various sporting events jo when we here in northern Sweden are known to not talk so much we are a bit humble
Now we have welded in 6 weeks if it will be launching the work must go faster. Summer coming to an end.
WOW! Erik, you are clearly my equal in the craziness department! lol Great work there. Metal boats ROCK!!!
more more .. Hello, more work with welding now, we have welded in 8 weeks. But now I begin to see a light at the tunnel
I like the clamp you made. ;-) I'm curious--are these historical photos of previous work or something you're doing right now?
Hello, Ok here in Sweden we call them welding horse. is so easy to force the plate in the right place. ok we bought her in milwaukke autumn 05.And these pictures are from summer of 06 we sandblasted and welded most of the summer had to change 20m2 of the bottom of her.It was very time consuming and I want to feel her in the water a wonderful feeling to have see her in the water worth waiting for
Lots of Work You are gettiing it though! Life is sad. so many people are so dishonest... The person who bought the boat for you and did not tell the truth is a jerk. Hope her rots in hell, ad he proably will. A proper survey would have avoided all this. Take a look at the one in Alexandrai Bay.. The 41.. that could be a good one.. but must be surveyed.
Yes and saddest of all was that there was a Swedish guy, but I knew it was a fixer-upper boat now I'm just so proud to own a dream boat.picture is from 06 I have been driving her every summer 06, it became 300nm. Yes have seen her maybe mine next projekt will be a 41 they are soo nice
D day Hello! Now, not many days left until the launch we have painted her inside with a white epoxy painth.outside have we just painted with a base color, she should just be in the lake one months