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The Perfect Yacht ?

Discussion in 'Popular Yacht Topics' started by Crewagency, Dec 18, 2004.

  1. Codger

    Codger YF Wisdom Dept.

    May 29, 2005
    Western Canada
    Defining what is required is a heck of a lot more difficult when so many functions are involved. The marginal utility of the vessel or even some of it's systems isn't easy to nail down either.
    It then goes in to that morass of subjectivity that is dictated by "personal taste".

    RM Elegant is obviously someone's idea of "the perfect yacht". All I see is a vessel that I wouldn't want to be aboard when visiting Reykjavik for Christmas. :) :D
  2. mwagner1

    mwagner1 Senior Member

    Sep 11, 2005
    Les Etats Unis

    What a fun and interesting thread!!!! Many excellent ideas!!!!

    I will add my thoughts as well, as I will likely start planning a new build in early 2006.

    First concern (and some of these things are needed as they are important features in my home)...

    Crew space: my first visit to Trinity Yachts (Nov. 2003) saw me go aboard the then new 150' Mia Elise. I wandered down into one of the crew cabins and nearly died from a claustrophobic attack...shortness of breath, sweating, cold chills, nausea....the double bunk cabin was tiny...what made it worse were the two Trinity electricians doing some last minute wiring...and they could hardly move past each other :eek: So, my build will have plenty of room for the crew. My motto?? "A happy crew makes for a happy owner"..or, I will not make my future crew sleep in a place I would be uncomfortable in. I have seen some of the crew quarters in other boats....and owners wonder why they cannot keep crew!!!!

    A serious theater: Quality gear, period. And a serious space to put it in...same goes for audio gear, as I do NOT mix my stereo with my home theater.

    A nice sized and fully private owner's deck....enough said!!!

    At least 5 guest staterooms (lots of family and friends), and a dive shop and Engineer's quarters in the lazarette.

    Good size galley as I love to cook!!!

    Full displacement hull for better stability and no worries about speed records. Lots of serious acoustical treatments for quite operation.

    As much hydrogen power as possible for both propulsion and gen sets....the less diesel I need, the better!!!! What happens when diesel hits $4?? $5?? even worse?? Watch Paul Allen spend $2MM or more to fill Octopus????

    Simple and comfortable interior fancy artwork, carpets, heavy dark wood and millwork...

    I think that this is enough to get started....I am sure there is more to add!!!


  3. KCook

    KCook Senior Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    Surely venue is a factor? The perfect yacht for the Inside Passage would not be the same as the perfect yacht for the Med?

    imperfect Kelly
  4. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    We're still in search of the perfect yacht. Maybe it's at FLIBS? Maybe it's on someone's hard drive? Maybe someone has some suggestions besides "the perfect yacht belongs to someone else"?
  5. Ju52

    Ju52 Senior Member

    Aug 28, 2006
    Looking for Perfect Yacht 2008 ?

    Ok I will try to hit the jackpot this week in Germany (13 million Euro) :D and after it I will realize my dream yacht. Sorry for my English (my German is better ;) )

    Reading this thread I found a lot of my ideas- but not all. Here you have other ideas and questions.

    I want to see more places all over the world -> passagemaker
    I do NOT want a crew but a lot of room for me -> 60 to 90' explorer trawler or a 50' cat (where is Winter Yachts .... no new "Pacific Harmonies"?)

    With latest engine technology are 5000nm or more real?

    Diesel-electric is nice, but Z-Drives are in my focus (like Volvo IPS),
    can we use Schottel's SRP with electric motors? What is then the best place for the DE generators? To protect the blue planet should we go back to sails?

    Can we reduce the draft to 5' for going in flat waters? (this is an argument for cats!) What about bows, axe bows etc...? I like to reduce the needed power for a cruise speed of 10 .. 12kn.

    I want to have my state room on the best place in the ship ... is the 2/3 of length rule right? Could I have big windows at stern like the old sail ships? OK with a (double) door to the swimm platform ? ;)

    For a long range ship the electronic equipment should be doubled. for the bigger parts hot swap spares.
    Central media / entertainment servers coupled with intercom etc..

    Cams outside, so I can have my big stern window and a virtual front window :D
    OK the ship network is connected with the Internet- not a question!

    Going around the world a car aboard could be nice. I found this in other threads here. OK - can we reduce it to a bike or quad or ...?

    What about security? How can I make my ship to a fortress in foreign waters?
    Can I have sonars to detect big fish, swimmers and divers around the ship?

    With big power generators (DE) can I have an electric tender?

    I hope to start new discussions here.
  6. brian eiland

    brian eiland Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2004
    St Augustine, Fl and Thailand
    MotorSailer, MotorSailor Dreamyacht

    Maybe just Dreamyacht, forget the year.

    As I look back over this subject thread, I see a lot of catamaran discussions and propulsion discussions. With fuel prices headed ever upwards, I re-introduce the Motorsailer subject that I've touted for a loooong time. Interestingly, I see more and more the subject coming up from a number of builders including Nordhaven....I think the term is getting re-invigorated.

    I refer you to another discussion on this forum that got placed over in the 'sailing section'
    "Motor and Sailing Vessels (MotorSailer)"

    ...note that one variation of my DynaRig Motorsailer makes use of the Tennant style hull form, with either a chain drive prop shaft, or retractable rim-drive unit (addresses a few of the propulsion discussions on this thread)

    Included one where the optional fishing chair is located

    I think my DynaCat could be called 'something new'

    My engines are up in a little wider area of the thin hulls

    ...and finally note that TWO tenders could be carried up forward and launched with the aid of the lower yardarm. In remote locations (expedition yacht) or the islands, your tender becomes your car. It's nice to have a backup, or a second vehicle for those friends and charter guest onboard.
  7. airship

    airship Senior Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    French Riviera...
    IMHO, the "perfect yacht" would have to meet the following criteria:

    1) It would cost less than 50% of what any major European or US builder would sell it for.
    2) It would be built and finished to such a high standard that even a Feadship engineer or the very best UK or Italian designer, kidnapped à la CIA and transported to the secret shipyard location would be forced (suffering only jet-lag) to ask wonderingly: "Surely this is my, it's even better than I could have imagined...?!"
    3) The customer could order one like he'd order a new suit in Hong Kong...
    4) The yacht would never ever keep fish awake by shining its' underwater lights.
    5) The yacht would never operate sonar equipment or similar which might harm sea-dwelling creatures or whatever else (thinking here about the movie The Abyss) which might use the same frequencies for their own means.
    6) The yacht would be equipped with a device to wake up whales etc. sleeping at the surface "in good time" to avoid a collision.
    7) The crew would have sufficient room within their accommodations to be able "to swing a cat" if the stewardess is willing... :D
  8. Marmot

    Marmot Senior Member

    May 20, 2007
    9114 S. Central Ave
    The Perfect yacht is: Somebody else's.
  9. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    That you're getting paid handsomely to work on and enjoy for a great owner. (fixed it)
  10. zudnic

    zudnic Senior Member

    Feb 21, 2011
    I'm kind of old fashioned and enjoy classic lines. My two current favorites are Feadships on YW. The first is a canoe stern of 95ft called ZaZu. The second is the 101FT Calypso. With a few subtle changes either would be near perfect for me. :D
  11. carelm

    carelm Senior Member

    Feb 5, 2011
    fairfax va
    I'm resurrecting an old thread, but my take is the perfect yacht is one that satisfies the owner's needs and desires. As mentioned earlier, a yacht that is suited for a trans-Atlantic voyage will be ill-suited for a cruise on the Erie Canal. I will say though my tastes run towards the more traditional looks. Assuming I won the lottery and wanted a yacht that would be crewed, a yacht like Sycara IV would be my choice. For a single-handed run up the ICW and the Erie Canal I would opt for a Palm Beach 50.
  12. chuckb

    chuckb Senior Member

    Mar 26, 2011
    Venue's important, not only geographically but lifestyle-wise. What's perfect for the jet-setter is not what's for the family man, or the retired cruiser. I've had both sail and power, love 'em both, but I don't want to be dealing with sails if I'm skippering my retirement vessel. When the kids were young (e.g. not married with their own lives), a big schooner was the perfect getaway. In my youth, frankly anything was heaven. I have to say across all types of boats, classic proven designs are where I've always found contentment... if a yacht's been loved for 50+ years it will show, and will be worth the extra time and $$ required.

    I've not had the bucks to have a paid crew, and have mixed feelings about it if I was to "have my ship come in". I like being the captain, including doing the cleaning, maintaining stuff, fixing the things that break, and so on... I'd get bored without all that (plus the navigating and skippering), not that I'm above paying to have yards do the stuff I'm not inclined toward! I guess the perfect yacht is one that matches one's lifestyle, wallet, and skills/inclinations...
  13. silverton

    silverton New Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Coral Gables, Fla
    Hi everyone. I'm looking for owners of Silverton 50' yachts who can tell me of thier experiences as to quality, sea worthiness, reliability etc.
    I'm planning to buy a used 50' 2006 and would appreciate any comments.
  14. PacBlue

    PacBlue Senior Member

    Jan 9, 2009
    Dana Point, Ca
    After quite few years on the maritime front, I thought I heard a lot, but
    "4) The yacht would never ever keep fish awake by shining its' underwater lights" takes the cake!

    Make sure you flip the switch on the Full Moon, pull the curtain on the Cloud Cover and tuck all them fishies good night while yer at it :eek:
  15. discokachina

    discokachina Senior Member

    Mar 21, 2010
    Ft. Lauderdale
    10 years have passed since Carl's comments on the acceptance of power cats which unfortunately still seems to be true. As an example is the stunning cat Zenith which has been on the market for over a year at a list price of $25M. At this point she could probably be had for considerably less as she is being sold by the original owners estate; yet still this perfectly magnificent yacht sits sleepless in Seattle.

    So this begs the question has the market acceptance of power cats as luxury yachts changed at all since Pacific Harmony was launched over 10 years ago?
  16. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    In small sizes, minimally. Marine Max has rented a lot of them and now selling and selling for charter and for those who have rented and using in the Caribbean it's got some attraction.

    Horizon is making an effort with some success to mainstream cats.

    In the 40 meter range I'd say just as strange to see interest as it was 10 years ago. They were always out there available from some designer but just not the interest or demand.

    The vast majority of yacht builders only build 1 or 2 per year in that range. So to explore catamaran's not very logical for them. The few builders who build more mostly semi-custom where it isn't an option. In true custom boats we're back to one or two a year from them as well. However, they could potentially devote one to a cat. What you're likely to see I believe is still 1 every five years or so in that range.

    In that size range, the advantages cats might have tend to not exist still and the disadvantages remain. I see it more a curiosity of naval architects than I do a consumer driven demand in that range.
  17. discokachina

    discokachina Senior Member

    Mar 21, 2010
    Ft. Lauderdale