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The Design Process...

Discussion in 'Yacht Renderings & Plans' started by AMG, Oct 22, 2004.

  1. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Hi Angelus,

    Yesterday I got a confirmation of the 2D - 3D issue. I am designing a hull in 2D right now and wanted it extended by the guy who is doing the 3D model in Rhino for CNC use. He said that he had no time to do this until after mid april, but if I just wanted the whole hull scaled a bit, he could do it right now.

    For me to do it in 2D by selecting each line separately will take 10 seconds and if I take all of them at one go, it is done in less than 1 second.

    No wonder I will remain a 2D designer...:eek: :)

  2. Angelus

    Angelus New Member

    Jan 23, 2007
    Hi Again.. I assume that the extention you need at at full beam where the long lines will remain the same distance from centre and base line... If you can do the job in 2D in 10 secs then I dont think it will fwd of full beam. But,, even in the model it should take only 10 secs anyway. especially in Rhino.. Nice package but I think they fall back a bit as most companies I know were using it as a pilot, eventually went for unigrafix or something..I've been modelling so long I find it hard to think in 2D anymore. I personally can work 20 times faster if I model it... Dont get me wrong!!! before Oceanco I was full on 2D and fast..

    I just finished A 3D model of the whole topside supports and upperdeck for an FPSO. Now thats gone I have to do the whole Fire and Safety plan for the ship.. ITS BORING ME SENCELESS!!!!:( :( :( :( That why I have the time to post since yesterday./.I attached the ass end of a 3D model. model is 206 mtrs.

    Tell your 3D guy to pull his finger out.. You can if you like mail me the model and i'll extend it for you free of charge!!:rolleyes: :) :p

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  3. Jorge Lang

    Jorge Lang Senior Member

    Nov 17, 2003
    Fort Lauderdale

    Let me know what engines you would choose for these fine designs. I'll post what the exhaust system would look like.
  4. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Thanks Angelus, but my guy wouldn´t be happy to hear this...;)

    As an illustration to what I mean, I took an old design and stretched the entire boat 1,5 feet. It is just behind the tanks and all lines followed as you can see if you compare to the original above. A one second job.

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  5. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    Hi Jorge,

    We are only building with VP Aquamatic today, where all exhausts are going through the drives. But we had one client on our small boats with a V8 petrol that recently wanted a silent choice setup through the transom...

    But I prefer factory installations and that our boats are silent as well...
  6. Angelus

    Angelus New Member

    Jan 23, 2007
    2D verses 3D

    We really should set up a poll for the better way to do things 2D or 3D.... But!!! I may have missed what you meant,, The drawings above surely thos ar hand sketches not don in CAD at all... If So I admire you!!!;) ;) Give me a computer and a decenct cad package I can do anything.. Give me a Pencil and ask me to sketch..well,,, you might as well give the pencil to my grandson!!! i'm sure he'd do a better job.. I would give ANYTHING to be able to sketch.. I am VERY well aware of what sells a Mega Yacht and motor yacht I have all these ideas in my head for concept designs and no way to unlock them and put them on paper.. Doing this even in CAD is difficult to start with concept.. I posted some concept jpegs of Lady Lola , Ambrosiana And I think Pegasus yesterday.. I would love to be able to draw like that!! And if you can,, well youi got my vote.. Sorry i9f I miss understood.. Still cant make out wherte you stretched the line.. that 3D model above on my last reply would take 10 seconds to edit anything..Of coarse its not a yacht,,but its work.. only thing is I cant use my imagination now

    As for Exhausts..I spent 5 years designing and building Avon Sea Riders... the big ones.. 6mtrs plus.. for all the VP engines we installed , I blanked off the exhaust port in the Out drive and fed it thru the transom... I love the sound.. 235 twin evinrudes on an 8.5 mtr searider sounds even better at full revs doing 75 knots.. but they are working boats not pleasure as you designing
  7. AMG

    AMG YF Moderator

    Jul 26, 2004
    I have now extended the boat further if you go back and have a look. This is Computer Aided Design, but not CAD/CAM. It is a vector program that can be scaled to any size with perfect accuracy eventhough I am adding colours and shadows to use it as an illustration at the same time...
  8. dccd

    dccd New Member

    Jun 5, 2007
    US Gulf Coast
    2d vs 3d

    Looks good Lars, I have enjoyed this site and many of the designs for years. I can express that my own experience has benefited from being a fast perspective sketcher! Naturally I have moved along with the 3/D CAD tools since their widespread use. Even as a daily user of 3/D I am still sometimes stifled trying to put the "organicness"? of a hand drawn design into a computer, something is always lost it seems. This is one of my old favorite 30 meter Jet boat designs, I keep putting off making a 3/D but may attempt soon. Open to comments from this group:)

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  9. KCook

    KCook Senior Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    Well, the over/and/under fin theme at the back of the superstructure seems a bit heavy handed to me. At least for as classy a design as this one. Same fins might be just the ticket on a more radical design. The proportions seem very good to me. Also like the generous bow deck very much. Hate it when designers force the superstructure as far up into the bow as possible.

    Kelly Cook
  10. dccd

    dccd New Member

    Jun 5, 2007
    US Gulf Coast

    Thanks Kelly, I have forgotten what the client brief was but it is radical. I fought with the massing, still a tad high sheer. Like all my past designs, I would like to touch it up one day. It would be difficult to model, you need the input to be so free flowing like they do with CGI animation these days. Some of the new animated characters seem almost living. I think the process to model animated figures involve a physical sculpture which is laser scanned in. The ultimate Yacht design CAD system would allow us to handle virtual clay, maybe fair out the flow. Probably require VR gloves for a direct connection to the stylist. Until that, the CAD models are somewhat translated form the designers vision.
  11. dccd

    dccd New Member

    Jun 5, 2007
    US Gulf Coast
    3d GTMY

    I did develop that GTMY profile/plan into a 3/D composite image using the actual CAD wireframe of machinery and hand drawing over the perspective. Was used for a BI advertisement but helped to define the various shapes. When I begin to model this I will start a new thread to follow its evolution.

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  12. kach22i

    kach22i New Member

    Apr 25, 2007
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    Nice work dccd, has a very artistic feel to it yet in a practical sense.