Probably not but I think she has gotten her answer. It is definitely and employment issue in yachting and some people are accepting while others are extremely negative toward them. That's the real world.
OB, Skippy J and others here bring fine examples of the varied / wide thoughts & opinions on tattoos. Tolerance and SOME appreciation for art work are the most positive comments so far. Lots of thoughts not so positive. As OB stated before "many times a prejudice that even the person judging may be unaware of" can produces an automatic reaction without thought or needing a rational reason. From mild to wild, we can conclude here that tats are subjective, personal and should be considered as a part of your professional pursuits.
As a kid in the 60's I had long hair, engineer boots and a chain for a belt. It was a personal statement, and it cost me opportunities. I accepted that as the price for my personal expression. Everything has it's costs. Fortunately correcting it only required a pair of clippers and a new wardrobe. Young people who feel the need for personal expression in the form of body art should consider things like Henna tattoos that can be changed with their mood. Otherwise accept that there will be a price to be paid. If that price is OK with you then go for it, but anything permanent has a permanent price. Decisions that you'll pay for the rest of your life shouldn't be made without a lot of thought. I thought about it for almost 40 years, and am glad I did or else I might have a picture of one of hundreds of girls I went out with for a month on my arm and be wondering who the hell that picture is of and why I sacraficed so much for her.
Many people do view it as self mutilation. If anyone is religious "your body is a temple and thall shall keep it holy. There are many employers and customers that see it as negative. So why would any sane person CHOOSE to put themselves at a permanent disadvantage in life??? Why choose to something permanent that is a fad, that puts them in a disadvantage they didn't have prior to, that they then have to overcome. That is the underlying question. Why would anyone sane, want to do something permanent to their bodies that puts them at a disadvantage throughout their life. So many people then question their judgement (employers/customers). And, tattoo's are not art. Art is something that outlives the artist. Tattoo's degrade from the moment they are finished and in 10 years look horrid. Not to mention anyone I've come across with tattoo's 10 years later, deeply regrets getting them.
I don't think Natalia really asked about one's opinion on her tattoo and her reason for getting one, but rather what impact it might have on her in the industry. The answer to that is clearly she might run across some people who will judge her very negatively on that basis, give her no opportunity, and never get to know the person she is.
I think tattoo's are a fad, stemming from Idol worship...let's take a look. NFL players, Basketball players, Rock stars all have full arm tattoo's, and everywhere else. I dated a girl awhile back who wanted one "because everyone else had one", not good enough. I was also enamored with a woman on the West Coast who had a "tramp stamp", one on her hip and one on her breast, they were all very nice and meant something to her....but bottom line, I could never get past them. Call me old fashioned, be we weren't put on the Earth to be human canvases. And when I meet somebody that has a tattoo, my opinion of them declines. Call me superficial, but it's who I am.
On Natalia's only other thread, I think starting a yachting career was in mind. Of course, we wish Natalia well with or without tats.
Now, Lets talk about scars. Usually NOT self induced, but from the movie; Chicks dig scars. AND I have a bunch.
Short-sightedness. Thinking short term and not considering the long term ramifications. Something very normal for youth who can't think past the selfie they post on the web. "And, tattoo's are not art." On that I'll absolutely disagree. Art has no obligation to outlive the artist. Many works of art are temporary, from sand or ice sculptures to wedding cakes, to true masterpieces that get destroyed through various causes. Then there's some worn as a badge so nobody ever forgets what it stands for, like a number tattooed on the arm of a concentration camp survivor. That's a tattoo that would earn the wearer anything they wanted in my book. So there is nothing inherantly wrong with getting a tattoo, as long as you fully understand and agree with the long term ramifications, and accept how it may be viewed.. As for the body being a temple, I've yet to meet the person who honors that. They lose that high ground the moment they eat too much, drink alcahol, smoke anything or disrespect another's body in war. Maybe Ghandi or Mother Thesesa, but I haven't seen them naked, nor examined everything they did in private.
Yeah NYCAP, I didn't go there about your body being a temple...if that were the case my body would be the worst ghetto in Harlem!
In my office dress code, adopted from Disney somewhat. No visible tattoos and no discussion about tattoos with colleagues or clients. Piercings are limited as to how many and where they may be. No smoking. I could go on, but suffice it to say it is about focusing on the client not distractions. All hail the great Sailor Jerry! Love his work. Don't have any though except on a trucker's cap when I want to look tough.
Got my answer. Thank you all for your honest opinions. I will take them into consideration. Side note: I worked my first day charter out of Newport harbor. I met some great people and I am looking forward to many more experiences like the one I had today.
Hi, I was just looking into yachting, in currently studying to be a nurse, but I have recently been told about work on yachts and how great it is. I have heard you need to do a course? And also that tattoos are very frowned upon? If this is so, which I understand why it would be a problem, would it be worth me going ahead to do a course? Or would I be wasting my time? I have a tattoo on my hand which isn't offensive however it is very visible. Any help would be great. Thanks
IMHO, visible tatoos are a show stopper on most larger reputable yachts. With visible Tattos I mean those which are not covered by bermuda shorts and polo shirts, as this is the favorite uniform for crews in warm climates. This counts for all crews in frequent contact with guests and owners. For crews working with guests in or under water (toy operators, divers or swimming assistances / life guards) its no tatoos not covered by swim suits. Engine room or galley personal may have different rules. When my boats were still under own management, it was the individual captains decision wheather a tatoo was tolerable or not. With the management company running and crewing my boats now, it is no visible tatoos at all. Hard rules, zero tolerance. Visible tatoos, a drug abuse history and alcohol on duty are no go items. This is no discrimination, just SOP. Owners and charter clients with other cultural background may have a different approach toward tatoos but European or US owners and management companies are mostly adhear to this rule with one or the other a bit more or even less tolerant than my management company. I am very sorry but the amount and positions of tatoos You are discribing in the other post are far beyond any tolerance shown in the mega yacht business.
A few members of Rising Sun's crew in this video have tattoos:
Well, the old men have spoken and, unfortunately, what they've said is largely true. However, the industry does extend beyond the charter industry and management companies. While there is strong sentiment against any visible tattoo, there are yacht owners and captains who recognize that many of today's young people have tattoos and a single, tasteful, visible tattoo would not exclude you from their service. So, I'd say it's not 100% against, but visible tattoos do eliminate a substantial number of opportunities. I don't know about nursing in the UK, but some hiring nurses in the US, in spite of the shortage of qualified nurses, would also exclude a visible tattoo. One of the employers in retail I respect most has a rule of no visible tattoos. One of our favorite employees of theirs wore an ace bandage on her arm to cover hers. I think HTM addressed your question very professionally. I would never personally consider a tattoo, but I know beautiful young girls with tasteful tattoos and then I know those who, to my chagrin, have turned their bodies into tattoo artists masterpieces. I don't agree with doing that, but I do have tolerance to those who choose to do so. Now, I would ask you why is it you now see yacht crew as a career to pursue vs. nursing? That's a rather significant change. I also have one question that may make a difference. What is your tattoo?
A (very skilled) master boatbuilder at the yard of a friend of mine has the front view of a 12mR yacht he worked at on his left forearm. While that´s pretty uncommon it´s also a strong statement about his commitment and pride in his job and work. I wonder if you know anybody in the industry who would go that far. Though beeing quite emotional about boats I most probably would not. But I respect that statement.
One of my buddies has a tattoo of his dead son on his left arm. Kind of haunting, but I have never experienced the death of a child, if a tattoo helps to soothe the pain, so be it. That I understand.