Lol , Your serious? Yes I proud owner of sunreef 60 and now in Cannes to upgrade to sunreef 70 power . It’s great show you should leave the keyboard and visit the show maybe you’ll see sunreef yacht in reality ….
I'm reasonably familiar with Cannes, its surroundings and its awfully crowded boat show, even if I haven't been there lately. I can think of several attractions in that area, but seeing a Sunreef just ain't one of them, let alone buying it. So, I'll stick to the keyboard. It's not too bad as a distraction between one swim and another, in a place whose only crowd is made of ...fishes!
I have a yacht management company and one of our clients has a 78ft Privilege which they seem to love. I’d definitely suggest to look into their options.
WOW!, I came here looking for refit info and was shocked to read trash about my absolute favorite catamaran. I happened to see one at the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show and I was more in love than seeing Sunreef in photos. My feeling is if Sunreef is good enough for Rafael Nadal, Fernando Alonso, Nico Rosburg, and especially Paris Hilton then Sunreef must be doing something right? I feel that I have amazing taste, so I beg to differ with those who have anything negative to say about Sunreef. Sunreef is hands down the best-looking catamaran out there, if you know of a better-looking cat, then do tell because I want to see it with my own eyes.
* Rosberg. You lost me, and I m sure most readers at “Especially Paris Hilton”! She s that pornstar with the leaked video, right? seriously, it s one thing for people to buy a boat, it s another for that boat to be a quality product. And you can be sure that when someone well known buys a new boat the builder will work ten times harder to deliver a product on time and without any issue. but hey, if you find that impressive, good for you.
Another one-post-wonder sent to dilute the thread with positive remarks. Each time one of these guys makes a post it bumps the thread back to the top of the forum so more people can see the kind of business tactics used by this company.