With the budget you mentioned, you have quite a few options, that's for sure. My personal experience is more on the SF side, and have a 60 Hatteras GT, which is the newer style/version than the older, more square Hatteras'. My wife loves the interior, much more than the custom sportfish's that I had. 3 Large staterooms, and large salon. We have one 8 year old, who is just getting into fishing. I still am an avid offshore angler, so for me, a MY isn't an option yet. There are plenty of sportfishers in the 60-65 ft range, from Hatteras or Viking, that would serve your needs, as many have tenders on the bow. One other x factor is time. For me, when i take off, I can only do a week or so at a time. So, I need a good riding boat, and I need speed. My hatteras cruises at 32 knots, and have gotten from Stuart fla to grand bahama island in under 2 hours. If you have all the time in the world, a MY may be more in the picture.
thank you for your thoughts. good ideas. there are some nice hat/viking options in that range. i am in a similar situation where i only have so much time to be away from home and work. the bahamas will likely be our cruising grounds for most family trips. the GT is a super nice boat!
Getting a decent sized CC to the Bahamas can be a pain, especially if you do decide to tow it there, but once you're there, they are a lot of fun.
The Hatteras GT's are a very nice boat. I'd give them a nudge above Viking on ride and a slight nudge in overall build quality too.