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Space Shuttle Viewing-An Inconsiderate Boater

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by dustmote4b, Jul 12, 2011.

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  1. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale
    Two launches ago, I jumped into the car at the last moment and drove for 3 1/2 hours and pulled off the highway three minutes before the launch. As soon as we got off I-95 there appeared to be hundreds of folk standing watching the skies so I too pulled over at an old gas station.

    We jumped out of the car, 2 young kids and my better half with me telling everybody to get the cameras, I felt like a Ja---ese tourist with a video camera, a digital camera and an iphone plus the "flip" camera.

    My wife shouts whoa there it is, where, I shout, she shouts back there, where, there and then after shouting for 20 or 30 seconds, why I have no idea as there was no noise from the shuttle I finally see it way up in the air and then it disappeared into the clouds reappearing 10 seconds later for about 5 more seconds before disappearing for good.

    Got back into the car and drove another 3 1/2 hours so about 7 hours driving in total for about 30 seconds of total viewing. There was no sound, no vibration and no smell.

    Back on the highway I asked my son what was the best part and he replied going to the bathroom after that long drive up there.
  2. HighChaparral

    HighChaparral New Member

    Jul 12, 2011

    I was at Space View Park, where this was shot. There were several thousand people located along the shoreline of and beyond the park. Even so, the boater had basically an infinite number of places to position his boat and have a good view, if not a perfect one, and not block that of hundreds of others. The geometry would be clearer to you if you had been there. The offense, if any, is he had the mobility to do just that, but opted to do what he did. The people on the shore had no options. I don't think anyone is questioning his "right" to the waterway, just his lack of consideration for so many others, especially given the nature of the historic event. Simple courtesy. JMO.
  3. dustmote4b

    dustmote4b Guest

    Shuttle Noise

    Yachtjocky, we were 12 miles away at Titusville. It took a full 63 seconds for the shuttle sound to reach us after we could see the initial take-off. Then... it was a ROAR that you could feel in your "innards"!
  4. HighChaparral

    HighChaparral New Member

    Jul 12, 2011
    Pascal (cool screen name BTW),
    it wasn't a matter of a feeling of "entitlement" from camping out for 3 days, it was just simple courtesy (or lack thereof). I assume you would not cut into the front of a long ticket line, hold up a massive sign blocking the view of others at a concert, etc. It's really the same thing. He certainly had the "right" to choose any anchorage he pleased, but he chose, at the last minute, to block the view of many hundreds of others, when he could have very easily done differently and still clearly observed the launch pad. Every other boating spectator did exactly that.
  5. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    Thank you!
    Will be playing it shortly ;)

    as for the boat, I bet it was anchored by an in-experienced owner, who was probably just relieved to be "able" to get the vessel near to the launch. It looks like he has just dropped the "pin" and drifted without control. No planned anchoring here.
  6. dustmote4b

    dustmote4b Guest

    The Good News... And The REST of the Story

    While the boater was inconsiderate, he also lacked good anchoring skills. During the 2-minute hold at T minus 31 seconds, his anchor drug for about 50 feet, giving us a view of the launch pad.... and also a good view for my friend to make a fabulous video of the launch and the anchor dragger (see link below). This boat movement, however, blocked the view of a large group of people to my left.
  7. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    To HighChaparral and DustMote4B...

    You've shown class in your approach to this situation and we all respect your complaint. You gents are welcome here. We can only hope that word of this makes its way back to the owner of this 76' Lazzara. You might be surprised, YF has tentacles. There's a good chance that someone at his marina, or on his docks, follows YF.

    On behalf of a group of seriously responsible boat owners and captains, we regret this took place. It might be the first time is history that a delayed shuttle launch was a good thing.
  8. HighChaparral

    HighChaparral New Member

    Jul 12, 2011
    Thank you very much. I am a boat owner as well, albeit not a "yacht class" vessel. My experience is that most responsible vessel operators, regardless of size, are very conscientious people. Unfortunately, as in all walks of life, some are not so much. Hopefully, if this thread does make it to the 76' Lazzara owner/operator, he will become a little more aware. :)
  9. dustmote4b

    dustmote4b Guest


    I echo HighChaparral's appreciation for this forum's hospitality and sympathetic ear. You hit my main objective right on the money! I would LOVE for a certain 76' Lazzara owner to share this video. I have an boat that is my passion, even though she is only 26' LOA and primarily relies in the wind to get me where I want to go. .... but oh how I do love her!

    P.S. Thanks HighChaparral for helping explain "things"
  10. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL

    I was kind of playing devil's advocate in my first post wondering why someone would anchor blocking people's view if there was room to anchor elsewhere. If there is something that I absolutely hate is inconsiderate boaters... like those who anchor on top of your anchor where there is plenty of room elsewhere, loud music, buzzing jetskis, and the idiots who think their wake doens't exist.

    often, in an crowded anchorage when i have to anchor close to other boats that are unlikely to run their air at night, I try to pick a side so my genset exhaust doesn't affect them... it takes very little effort to be considerate...

    and dont' get me started on AH sportfish Jjckeys who think they own the waters and don't have to slow down for others...

    my imagination is pretty limited... so that's not a screen name, jsut my first name :)
  11. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    If you are anchoring in a common anchorage, that is on the chart or in the cruising guides you have no business complaining about someone running their generator. As most all yachts run their generator, and have to for the systems on the boat. How loud is a generator anyways? I can guarantee people can hear your halyard slapping the mast and wind generator for miles.
  12. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Norseman, you're talking about an act of sabatoge and vandalism against someone doing what they are legally permitted to do. You'd be lucky to get arrested. I'd put a flare in your sheets and probably in your shorts. Annoying neighbors are common anywhere. Your only option is to move if what they are doing is legal. Personally, I hate being near snailboats because of the constant clanging and their laundry lines. Cutting their halyards is not an option, even if it may be a dream.
  13. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    The cord-cutting comments in this thread were simply a dose of droll. Can we not vent among ourselves without being held liable for every comment?

    In boating or ANY walk of life, you see the occasional Jack @$$. This thread and this pic are proof...

    Attached Files:

  14. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    The last several posts in this thread are bring moved to a new thread titled "Running Generators at Anchor". This is the 2nd time this thread has derailed and frankly, it's starting to look like a train crash. This thread is being locked.
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