I found that replacing my old Galley Maid toilets, pumps, hoses was step one with my 1984 Bertram 54. I went with Raritan Atlantis and have been happy. I then had a negative pressure blower (more going out than coming in) installed in the forward bilge of the boat exiting through a dorade vent. My boat smells like wood, fiberglass, varnish, diesel ... but not poo poo
glad that worked..... this is not a baited question, but do you use a holding tank? some tanks where made with a material that added to a smell problem...
I do agree that there is a high probability that its a blackwater problem. But check all those hoses by wiping with a damp cloth, what do you smell? If not a noxious smell, investigate elsewhere . New cloth on each hose. You can always spend a lot of money changing parts - diagnosis the problem my son keeps telling me? then buy the parts. Just saying....
Use Noflex Digestor. A friend recommended it to me after the stench from our holding tank vent almost killed him (slight exaggeration). You sprinkle a little bit of it into the head whenever you flush a Number Two. After just a few uses the smell went away. It has some chemicals that aid in the aerobic breaking down that happens in the holding tank. Apparently you can also dilute the powder in water and spray on your hoses to eliminate the smell on the hoses (if you have that). I had tried every "deodorizer" and nothing worked until I used this stuff. You can buy it from Fisheries Supply in Seattle or from amazon.com. NFI. This stuff really works.
This is an awesome thread. I have an odour in my forward stateroom but clears quickly once hatch so open. Never thought of my shower sumps. The aft head sump is used often but the forward very seldom. Going to flush them both with some water and white vinegar and see if it fixes the problem. Another trick I learned from a friend is to place a cantalaupe or honey dew melon if you have a head door. Leave the melon a couple of days and the smell is gone. Really works well
Thanks for all tips, but finally I did find the solution. We installed the Airpurifier from Adtim in The Netherlands and it really filters all odors. After installation of this system we have had no complaints at all. Erik
That seems to me to be a very good temporary solution but you haven't solved the problem at the source. While I'd use that system, I'd still want to figure out why the problem to start with. With the smell, you may have germs, bacteria, and even with the purifier they're reaching the air until the purifier takes them in. They're also getting in the filters of the purifier. I think your solution is great, but I'd still work to try to address the problem at the source.
Ok, I've posted on other threads but now I have an odor question. We just surveyed a boat, that we had looked at a month ago, and it had at that time no smell at all. I have a very good sense of smell, and HATE boat smells, especially head smells, so I checked carefully, opening drawers etc. I wasn't present, but my husband, who does NOT have a good sense of smell, noticed a fairly strong smell today, and the surveyor said it is coming from the head. Question: can head smells always be taken care of? I love this boat, Ocean Alexander PH 2003 Classico. It also vibrates, but the thought is that is the props, but I guess that is another thread question. We have to make a decision fairly quickly, and will ask for the price to reflect any necessary repairs, but I am afraid of being stuck with a smelly boat. Help!
I'm ready this post very late. But here are my two cents. Yep, most foul odors are caused by deteriorating waste water hoses. However just plain old putrid bilge water that is ever present can be the culprate. Most anchor lockers do indeed drain into the bilge. My Dad always said constant ventilation is the key to a healthy bilge. For over fifty years I have run several low volume circulation fans in the bilges of all my boats. Helps water evaporate faster, provides constant ventilation and exchanges air. Cheap solution and has always worked well for me.
Putting a small amount of crushed chlorine tabs into the A/C condensation drain pan clears odors. Doesn't solve the reason why it smells but makes your boat like a ultra clean zone...
Does it clear all odors or just the moldy air conditioning smell? I would definitely try that, but not be on the boat at the time, I don't think breathing chlorine is too good for you. Thanks for the tip!
I would recommend using Bromine tablets made for a spa instead of Chlorine. The Bromine does a similar job but is less toxic to aluminum, hoses and such.