I agree with your wife, the V85 would be a great boat for the lake. If they can get 100' house boats to the lake a sport yacht that size should not be an issue. I would suggest you think about building a boat house. Good luck on finding a boat, you will be the king of the lake. Steve
There is a Travel Channel special on luxury houseboats. You may want to take a look at that episode or show it to your wife. There are boats out there as plush as yachts but made for inland lakes. There is a reason you dont see ocean yachts on lakes...
Bikerrew, what's the average size boat you see on that lake and what's the biggest? Have you seen any 85' yachts out there, and are there any destinations (restaurants, marina resorts, etc.) that can accomodate a yacht that size?
The average sailboat size is probably in the 30's with several 50 footers. There are several 60+ powerboats and a few large houseboats. Houseboats aren't real popular on Texoma because of the rough water occasionally. Highport Marina, Grandpappy's and Cedarmills as well a a couple of marinas on the Oklahoma side will accomadate large boats. Most have eating and drinking facilities. The river channel runs the length of the lake and runs 40 to100' depth. Most coves will hold a deep draft boat with the exception of around and on the north side of the "islands". Lot's of Dallas and Okla. oil money so nice homes and boats.
Hey guys my wife just got back from Tampa Florida she was down there on business. They took her out to diner at some restuarant at a Marina. They were eating diner when she noticed a very large yacht at one of the docks, she ask one of the guys there who make's that yacht. The owner of the company said to my wife do you mean that one right over there and she said yes that big one there he said to her, now listen to this . I'm glad you like it that is my LAZZARA LSX92' , After diner he gave her a grand tour of the boat with the rest of the group, she is now telling me that is the one we're going to buy. she told me it is a lot nicer then the V85. I said I have never heard of them. She told me she has never seen a more beautiful yacht. She said it has some really cool features like glass that goes frosted for privacy in the bedrooms and a retractable rear roof .He told her to next time you come down bring your husband and we'll go out on it for the weekend. My question is does anyone know about these yachts.
You might be pleasantly surprised to know that Rich Lazzara posts on this site. He might be pleased to hear such good things about his company's product.
Your wife has VERY good taste. Still can't imagine putting it on a lake smaller than Lake Michigan. Boats like this generally go to places like islands in the Caribbean. BTW, no body's mentioned this, but you do know you'll be hiring full time crew.
Hey guys I just went to the Lazzara web site and requested a catalog for there awesome yachts WOW!!!!, they are really works of art and made right here in the U.S.A. Thanks 06kingranch
Hey guy's I received a couple of email's from the V.P. of Lazzara yachts Mr Rich Lazzara himself Today, Wow what a surprise he seams like a real nice man and down to Earth . He has invited my wife and I to come to the factory and take a tour as his guests ,also he will arrange for us to go out on a LSX 92 in Miami . I also received a lot of pictures and information from a Lazzara dealer from the Houston Clearlake area who is a friend of Mr Lazzara, he was real helpful Today and really on the ball as well. I have to tell you that we really are leaning towards the LSX 92. That yacht is like no other yacht we have ever seen it just blows me away. sincerely 06kingranch
You'll not be disappointed, Lazzara is a groundbreaking company in many ways, certainly the first builder to offer four motors in yachts under 100'. Dick is a former Offshore Powerboat racer so he knows speed as well as yachts.
Well guy's looks like the wife and I are going to go to Tampa end of this Month to see the LSX factory really excited about that. I have received alot of information on the LSX92 from Rich and Matt both have been a great help to us and I thank you both. John
I hope you'll keep us updated with how that boat works out on the lake. I'm pretty sure I know how your going to like the boat.