As mentioned early in another post. If there was a collision, the pulpit and spot light would be crushed. They are not. I withdraw my first thought with a collision. IMO; The bow came down/up with a snap or it was stuffed and for-deck lifted up by the ocean. The hull to deck joint failed. Glass tabs are still showing on the stb hull, vertically pulled up and off. The stem was forced back, forcing the hull to flex out behind the stem and push out. Blowing off the gel coat around the forward graphics. The Delta styled anchor tip set into the hull and kept the for-deck from shifting back any further. Probably what helped pull the stem back. I can imagine a fast acceleration / deceleration knocking anybody down-up & down. Only one injury=lucky.. When you push the envelope and it pushes back; ship happens. Why/how you got out there; Ship for brains. Operator mal-fucktion. Yep, I said it; Operators fault. Sadly, there is no law against stupid. More sad; they breed and vote. G'Night Kids
Even worse, Its a world wide phenomenon and some who survive to adult hood think they are good candidates to tell the rest of us how to live our lives.
Turn on the TV, you will see a number of examples of folks who feel they are suited to rule the rest from their position at the shallow end of the pool.