I spoke of my personal issues with the show, as to why I find it uncomfortable and don't attend. That wasn't about show management but about me. I suffer from social anxiety in settings like that. I personally don't like them. If others do, that is fine. And has nothing to do with thinking back as I can handle it much easier today than I could when I think back. I also referred to Show Management and show management companies in general as brilliant in how they've built their businesses. I made no attack on Kaye Pearson or anyone else. I don't even know Kaye. Again, If I was shopping for a boat, I personally would be far more inclined to do so if I could attend a show focused on that type boat rather than one with such a broad spectrum of boats. That's not some condescending statement as you're making is sound. Trawlerfest and it's success (and it is also by the same management group) is a reflection on me not being the only person who feels that way. I know trawler owners and brokers who feel it is more effective for them. You are somehow taking any comments others have made very personally. We're just giving individual views of shows. I am sure Show Management would readily agree the Miami venues have presented them with some challenges. As to the Hargrave comment, the information currently shows that they are showing one boat at FLIBS. Maybe that's incorrect. And if they had six boats at the last show as you say and only have one at this show then that will get some comments as to their reduced presence. If they had no boats, that would get far more comments. Yes, I know brokers who say they show as a defensive move. Sometimes you have to be there to dispel any rumors. That's not to blame show management. That's simply the way an industry like this sometimes works. Now while others expressed doom and gloom, I did not. I think the shortage of boats they refer to is a bit of return to normalcy. Just like you I pointed to numbers of boats still available as a sizable quantity. You talk about tire kickers and dreamers and that's fine. That's part of whom shows are for. But I still believe that for many their presence and the total amount of activity makes it a less conducive setting for actually buying. That's not criticism of the show as the show is more about creating interest than closing sales. It's more about seeing boats or brokers and giving them a call to set up something later. Now I won't attend and that is not a criticism of the shows per se. I won't attend Miami because I just don't want to fight the traffic. It's like the restaurant that's so popular it's overcrowded that I may pass up. And I won't attend FLIBS largely because I don't find crowds like that enjoyable, largely due to my social anxiety, a medical condition. But the fact there are crowds that large is a tribute to the show management. I personally would enjoy more smaller shows targeting specific type boats. That's not saying I don't think FLIBS holds a place. It does, just as it is. But I do believe if the Miami show was held as several shows at different times each focusing on specific types of boats, that would be more enjoyable for many. As a homeowner in Fort Lauderdale, I am glad FLIBS is here and never have you or will you hear me complain about the traffic or disruption. And, yes, I am inconvenienced by it but still am very glad it's here. I don't know what brought on your personal attacks and comments about rubbing shoulders with the masses or silver spoon because if you knew me you would know they are quite undeserved. They are also unappreciated. I wasn't born with a silver spoon and I do not expect VIP treatment or anything else. Is it somehow a crime or insult that I don't like huge crowds and don't function as well in those situations?
Flib I think you took it as a personal insult, why I have no idea, you wrote "Something about having to wonder around through such a group", what group were you referring too. The tire kickers & dreamers or trawler owners/buyers etc. I am sorry that you took it as an insult. Maybe if you had stated your medical condition in that other post we would have had a better understanding of why you don't like the present format of the shows. As for picking out Hargrave's as your example and stating they have "only one space", I just spoke to the President of Hargrave and he told me has nine, yes 9 boats going into FLIB's this year. I spoke to him as he was about to board a plane on the way back home after visiting the yard where he has seven, yes 7 new builds under construction. I apologize again and I am waiting for Carl to give me a hard time, lol. (Carl remember it is your turn for the beers).
While this is a bit off subject of the thread, I figured out how to beat the parking situation at FLIBS. Across the street (17th) from Pier 66 is a strip center. I park in there (closest to 17th as possible) walk across to Pier 66 grab a cab, and 15 bucks later, I'm at the front gate. Every time I do that, I kick myself spending all those years, driving around looking and paying for spots close to the main gate. Next time, I'm going to try the water taxi approach. There's a few pick up points on the west side that might do the trick as well.
We actually will settle for just seeing what we can from the water in all likelihood. If we decided to go, we'd just walk. And we don't plan on taking many trips in and out from our home during those five days. Last year we weren't home. But we're not one of those to ever complain about the traffic as we're very happy Fort Lauderdale has the show. It has one interesting impact, partly negative but turns out to be positive for many. That's the people who normally keep their boats at the involved marinas. I know some who just plan a vacation cruise every year and take off for the Keys. We did go once. Enjoyed looking. Didn't especially enjoy questions and sales pitches. 95% accepted when you said you were just looking but the other 5% tried pressure. No fault of the people who were just doing their jobs but we were there just to look. We also enjoyed just getting to see what it was like. Funny too as you walk through you don't realize how far you're walking. You do realize when you have nearly a 3 mile walk back home.