I think a lot of 7 purchasers are the types to go out rarely and run very hard, not the regular users of boats. I don't see most of them as sport fishers.
FILLING the fuel tank is the problem........at 6 gallons per minute........ hour and a half to fill up the fuel tank......and smell gas fumes. I ran a 39' Seavee with 3-350hp Yamaha's, it held 660 gallons of gas.
Bring back Tempest Marine. Diesel inboard and the "T" drive. For the price of a Seven, you can rig a lot of diesel blocks.
Is Tempest these guys? https://www.tempestyachts.org/tempest-60.html The designs are a little bit dated - 80s high-tech! - but I like the look of the 60' Sport.
Yes. The 44 was my favorite. Here is the "T" drive. https://www.tempestyachts.org/t-torque-drive.html I could swap out a Cat V8 probably faster than you could a Seven outboard.
It amazes me that someone with enough money to afford these motors would be so insecure that he needs to boast to the world he can afford them when it makes no financial sense to spend that kind of money on them. Might feel better about himself if he say fed the homeless or such.
If you take that philosophy then it makes no financial sense to own a boat and your entire career would have been eliminated. Boats are not financially sound investments. As to that buyer of 7's, you have no idea what they might be doing to feed the homeless. It's not their insecurity they are showing as much as you're showing some that you're judging them based on one action and know absolutely nothing about them.
Of course owning boats makes no financial sense (hence me not owning one), but they're an addiction. I understand that. If I couldn't have made my living on them I'd have had to buy one (and in fact did before I made it my profession). I just can't find a reason, other than they look pretty, to throw that kind of money at these outboards. It's not like they have a reputation or heritage to run on. I see it sort of like wearing a mink coat to the beach in summer so everyone will know you have one. Of course the wearer would just be laughed at.
Cool, looks like the descendant of the 44 is still around, minus the T drives, unfortunately: http://www.tampa-yacht.com/44-fci.html
The brochures show the drives on the 48. Arnesons on the 50. The luv I have for the "T" drive and it's predecessor "simplicity drive" is just what they are. Bomb proof shallow direct drive. Nothing fancy like the Arnesons, just simple. Please note the brochures still have the Tempest logo on them. http://www.tampa-yacht.com/brochures.html These were great boats and I miss them. Sorry to hijack the thread. Just something OB mentioned a ways back about inboards ignited some ole memorys. I'll take this ole 80s stuff over a Seven..
What do you mean by drive chain? are you talking about a timing chain? Are you saying that 7 marine has an actual chain that drives the lower unit?
CaptJ is referring to a chain of components; a series of things linked, connected, or associated together.