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Seeking advice before purchasing a superyacht

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Jediah, Sep 30, 2012.

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  1. Jediah

    Jediah Guest

    Hello dear Norseman!
    Hope you are doing all well, and family is all good.
    To become something you have to start somewhere, like i use to say: Its better to die for something then live for nothing.
    There is lots educations and training courses out there that you can start, whitch i am already on.
    i am not trying to be mean, rude or trying to be a ******* with you, right me if i am wrong.
    you think i need a dose of reality, brother you sounds like those who laughed at those who claimed that they ware going to fly one day, or the man that claimed to make a transportation cargo that dident need any animals to run, how about those ppl that wanted to land on the moon, those who claimed that they will make mashines that could make work for them for exampel Spinn Jenny, and those ppl always got laughed at. those ppl with those ideas changed world history!
    I am never claimed that i could shrink a country.
    everything that ppl ever tho that would be impossible is not anymore, we got space stations that we send ppl to the moon back and fraward, we have got talking cars (GPS), we got satellites, we got massive electronic that no one 20 years ago tho would be possible.
    and belive it or not even the world politicians and groverments go alot of secret electronic, aircraft and toys in thiers basments this days.
    We can even write our own computer sofware this days, whitch i am a computer programmer in C++ my self, i am working on a artificial intelligence computer system.
    belive it or not. its always the crazy man that changes and makes history, ever read history in school?
    So with all recpect I think you need a dose of reality :)
  2. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Aye Jediah, nobody here will stand in your way of greatness and if you indeed are smart and clever enough to skip the Captain and Crew part and drive your Superyacht around the world on your own, go for it and my hat off to you Sir.

    Perhaps the authorities and insurance companies may have a tiny little problem with letting the crazy man be the Captain of his Superyacht but again, go for it and let us know how it works out for you..:D

    Thanks, I will indeed consider that and ask for help as needed.;)
  3. rodsteel

    rodsteel Member

    Mar 8, 2010
    Welcome Yaser,

    This thread has a lot of good insights (and the discussion concerned yachts around your target price - especially the last post on page 2 ;o));-13-million-spend.html


  4. Jediah

    Jediah Guest

    well acturly i tho only to have a crew only when we need to travel to somewhere, but is there any law saying that i cant live in a yacht as a home, or maybe i just take Alfred advice, just to reserve a yacht for charter and buy a big mansion insteed somewhere in east!
    But times passes by fast and rules and laws changes as same with price tags!
    i am gona think it over agin, and see what kinda options i have got!
    But i dreaming of having a yacht.
  5. Berean

    Berean Senior Member

    Aug 26, 2007
    Sarasota FL
    Boy Howdy.

    Now that's the quote of the day...
  6. AlfredZ

    AlfredZ Senior Member

    Oct 29, 2009
    Landlocked in Europe

    I meant charter a boat for a week or so to feel how things really are, how big or small, what efforts and details there are in.

    No law against living aboard, finding a marina for your boat size that accepts living aboard is the issue, running cost as well.

    I think you are starting at the wrong foot here, where do you want to be on the water? A river? A lake? Sea? Ocean? Within the same continent? Around the world? Cross oceans? Near shore? This will define the general type of boat you want to look at, then you think what you "need" and what you "want" on a boat in terms of space and facilities, this will narrow the type and size search a bit further, then you go deep in build material, age of boat, technical, legal and other requirements. While this grows you will automatically know your price range and capabilities more close to the reality that Norsman was talking about.

    Your dream can come true if you "program" it the right way.

    good luck,

  7. AlfredZ

    AlfredZ Senior Member

    Oct 29, 2009
    Landlocked in Europe
    Glad you like it! Hope you find it true!

  8. rodsteel

    rodsteel Member

    Mar 8, 2010
    Now there is an interesting question - "What percentage of a 60m yacht's cost is in the hull, engines and operational systems (i.e., the stuff that makes it sea-worthy, safe and livable) versus the decorative items? (i.e., the fancy wood, carpet, marble, furniture, etc.)"
  9. discokachina

    discokachina Senior Member

    Mar 21, 2010
    Ft. Lauderdale
    It depends on where you are. For instance here in Fort Lauderdale, the yachting capital of the world, there are many neighborhoods where you can dock your yacht but cannot live aboard it due to sewage discharge unless you install a pump out station at your dock. You might want to check with the local authorities where you plan to dock your yacht or drop anchor to find out if any regulations will affect your plans.

    I dream of living on a yacht too and circumnavigating the world until I have seen it all from my fantail!!! Welcome to the club!
  10. AlfredZ

    AlfredZ Senior Member

    Oct 29, 2009
    Landlocked in Europe
  11. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale

    I remember a story many years ago of a Pakistani gentleman traveling to the south of England to buy a yacht, money no object, so he buys a 40 foot "cabin cruiser and asks the salesman how long it will take him to sail it back to Pakistan. The salesman advises him to have it shipped back home but the buyer tells him he had completed a course on seamanship and it was his dream to sail around the world. Again the salesman advised him other wise. But the gentleman insisted he would do it himself.

    When the buyer asked for the best route, he was told to head south, hang a right, then a left (into the med) then keep going before another right.

    The poor guy was rescued twice after going around the Isle of Wight TWICE before the UK authorities seized his boat as a danger to navigation.

    The moral to the story, most of those replying to your questions are professionals and when they say you need a "dose of reality" they are being very polite. Yes man has been to the moon etc. etc. but at the same time ships & yachts have been sailing around for many years so what you are proposing is nothing new, many of us have been on the sea for many years and I suspect many like myself have gotten into deep trouble and if not for very good (and many years) training the consequences could have been very bad not just to yourself but to anybody else on board.

    A quick example, a few years ago a large barge was at 17th street bridge during the construction of the new bridge, a German family rented a small boat for the day, got to close to the barge as they had no idea about the tide ripping and they were pulled under that barge, I believe there were about 5 or 6 people who lost their lives that day. Hundreds of professionals passed that barge during the time it was there but all it took was one in-experienced operator and their day on the water ended in a disaster.

    While taking your yacht masters license I would also suggest you take a 5 year marine engineering course, then a four year apprenticeship for each of the following: marine electrics, electronics, air conditioning and plumbing unless your intelligent computer can change a water pump on the main engine, fix the diodes on a generator, check gas levels in the air conditioning and lastly clear a blocked toilet.

    That is the reality of yachting that a lot of people do not realize and is the reason those with money & brains hire "professionals" to make their live on board both pleasurable and SAFE.

    Charter a yacht first to see if you like it then size your yacht to your needs but most importantly to your budget so you can pay for a crew.

    ...and welcome to "pleasure boating"
  12. Berean

    Berean Senior Member

    Aug 26, 2007
    Sarasota FL
    Well, truth be known 170 footers are beyond my realm of experience. Probably not in this lifetime either. Even still, I appreciate you pithy comment; I could only imagine how complex such a boat would be. I have nothing but the utmost admiration and respect for those who run and manage such.

    To illustrate the complexity, just consider my humble 42 GB. All the systems not withstanding simply consider all the pumps on this little ship: bilge pumps, fuel lift pumps, raw water pumps, fuel injector pumps, March pumps, pump out pump, sump pumps (shower stalls), head pumps and the list goes on. Certainly there is enough to keep me busy. There is always something to fix.

    I don't know what size boat brings the complexity to a point where a team is needed as the resources of any one person simply cant keep up, but I suspect that it is far smaller than 170 feet.
  13. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office
    Great story, but i think it is a crock of **** myself
  14. Liberty

    Liberty Senior Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    Brisbane, Australia
    I'm with you K1W1.

    Can't believe this passes the YachtForums BullS**t test.

    People, seriously?
  15. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Noticed how I haven't jumped into the discussion. It's probably some 12 year old posting it with caviar wishes.....
  16. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC
    Finally some sanity has come to analyzing this OP. Can't afford $16m for new, but has $12 m for a restore..... I think K1W1 may have been talking about the Pakistan who made a left at the Med story, though
  17. Yachtjocky

    Yachtjocky Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Fort Lauderdale

    I thought that as well, so I phoned my buddy this morning who lives on the Isle of Wight and he laughed at my version, over the years and many beers it must have been exaggerated (many times). It was a pakistani but the real version was he never made it out of the Solent. :eek:
  18. Jediah

    Jediah Guest

    Forgive me for not responding quickly to your post, I have not been able or had the time to respond, I've been busy being with family!
    Wait, what are you trying to tell? pakistanie Gentlemen, you claim that I am a stupid pakistanie?
    Are you a racist, it is what it is, you try to get me and look stupid in front of other people?
    One thing you have understood correctly, that I am a Muslim, but I am not from pakistan.
    You were very detailed with the Pakistani than the story of the German.
    I can admit and recognize that it was very foolish of him to expose his life to danger.
    But I recognize and admit that I admire his courage, and I honor him for his choices as he did before he got into the boat.
    perhaps you should also do it, now if all that was true.
    And what do u mean by professionals, are you trying to tell that i am a Sand Nig***, and unprofessional just cuz my name is not from westen part of the world?
    I interpret your post as racist / fascist, you should be ashamed of yourself, funny man.
    You've sure been through a traumatic event with a pakistanie so you interpret all the desired name Yaser who come from Pakistan.
    the reason for this may be that:
    1: Your wife left you for a pakistanie had two big coco nuts and a giant pepper salami in his plastic bag.
    2: You are jealous because things are going well financially for a sand nig***.
    3. your mom married one from Pakistan, and he happened to get all the attention instead of you in your childhood.
    I am a father of 2 children and a husband to a wife that is a native american ( Red Mans Daughter).

    If i was you father and you ware my son and insulted another human, i would have pulled your ear and I'd hit you really hard on your hands and your cheek.
    I would not care about what happened to my hand, what would be important is that what would happen to your jawbone and your fingers.
    So till next time before you could open your mouth without thinking very carefully or type on the keyboard, you would never forget the pain.

    There is 3 kind of muslims
    Kind 1: the one who takes this kinda rasism statement and takes it home with them and and feel very bad.

    kind 2: those who just ignores this kinda statements and keep living thiers lifes.
    kind 3: those who become violent, and gets thiers ucules unts, father and brothers, and even thier's 1 year old baby boy to get you.

    and there is my kind, which is the forth kind:
    on the spot as I heard your racist pronunciation I would rip his tongue out at you and hit you across your face with it and then put it up your butt, so you could learn how crap would taste.
    Then you would know the difference in the bull**** and ordinary talk.
    But don worry you are not even worth to spit at.
    if I had spit on you, you had rusted together thanks to the poor quality of Honor and the man that you are made ​​of.

    I know your kind to well! so dont make up some cheap excuses to make me look stupid okey?
    You need to change, or ells you gona get your self into truble!

    I learn so much thanks to so many kind and nice people on this forum, i even have got few good offer that i cant say no to.
    Thanks to all those ppl and peace be with you and you love ones.

    here is a link to what and who i am Feylis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  19. AlfredZ

    AlfredZ Senior Member

    Oct 29, 2009
    Landlocked in Europe
    Agam Yasser, you took it too personal and I think you did not understand the moral of the story, the focus was not the nationality if the human piloting the boat, it was his rush to do something the wrong way despite professional advice.
    I don't know how you got to religion and politics involved but you are wrong, and you got your self to say things that are not right especially in the measure of values of your religion.

    Good luck to you and your family anyway.
  20. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    I just remembered I need to pump out my holding tank.
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