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SeaKeeper vs Naid At Rest Stabilization

Discussion in 'Stabs, Tabs & Gyros' started by Gulfer, Feb 10, 2020.

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  1. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Ok, here they are.
    The three that I received, anyway - not sure why if there was a 4th I didn't get it.
    This is the first, called "Sunseeker 66" in your email (with just a few seconds removed, where faces were visible).
    Then the second, called "Anchored", and...
    Lastly the third, which you commented in your email as "made 2 minutes later, but with fins locked".

    Now, having only seen them and knowing nothing about the context, what I can say is the following:
    In the first, I just see some tiny ripples, I guess from boats passing by, inside a marina along a channel.
    Not sure if the boat from where you were filming had zero speed stabs on, but looking at how also smaller moored boats remain stable, it looks like a situation where it's not even worth bothering to turn stabs on.
    In the second and the third, the difference in degrees of roll shown by the display is pretty similar if not identical, with fins working or center locked.
    So, again, it looks like a situation where stabs were unnecessary - but probably there's something I'm missing?

    Just for convenience of comparison (though I think it's actually hard to make any), I am also re-attaching this link to the video I previously posted.
    Talking of which, just for better understanding, the video started right upon center locking the fins, which were previously working.
    That's the reason why the boat starts rolling slowly, as the long swell synchronizes with the hull roll.
    The fins were then restarted at 18" of the video, and after a few seconds the boat is brought back to her "zero speed stabilized" condition.
    The video was made back in 2013, in completely open sea in front of the E side of Cap d'Antibes, with an old and long residual SE swell from wind of previous days.
    Which I agree is hard to appreciate in the video, but trust me, the boat as such isn't more prone to rolling than any others in her size bracket.
    In fact, when compared to more modern and lighter boats, if anything she's a bit more stable.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2021
  2. gr8trn

    gr8trn Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Well done and lots of work @mapism, thanks for taking the time.
    Stabilization is the bomb.
    But...the Heeson vs small sailboat video on your YouTube was epic. How about that crew that just tossed the broken mast to the side? “Get this stick off of my boat”.