I didn't know a thing about it before Brian posted about Graphene. I would read his posts as he seems like the YF brain trust on this!
Military applications always come first then the slow filtration of controlling the technology before it becomes common place especially when it's about fresh water. I agree, I wouldn't worry about HEM going out of business anytime soon. I do believe that nano filtration technology is taking place as we type this and that technology wasnt available a few years ago with items such as the " life straw" and such but not yet with Perforene. It will be interesting to see who controls this in the end.
I have a small farm in Georgia and three states have been litigating over the water shed and south flowing rivers for years now. Tenn, Ala, and Ga. This will go on for many years to come until technology solves this BUT, even if Perfolene is the savior of de-sal we'll still have huge amounts of concentrated brine to dispose of and we can't just pump it back into the sea and raise the salinity levels there. It'll be a whole lot of table salt if they go that route!
Uh ... where do you think all that de-salinated water is going to end up after it is used? Consider that the calculated evaporation rate for the world's oceans is about 14 million cubic meters per second, it would take a lot of shoreside desal plants to compete. And bottom line, what comes around goes around in the water world.
Dunno, The RO plants in Curacao and Aruba use deep well injection with their brine into the ground since they have no water aquifer to pollute. Hopefully, a cathode anode and reactive solution that generates energy with concentrated brine will come to fruition in the future And I'm not speaking to chlorine generation here even though chlorine mixed with reactives generate energy. I'm speaking to fuel cells that use brine with an reactives. Look at " Energy storage through evaported brines" There seems to be some very good papers on that topic out there as well. I do know the enviromentalists will have a say no matter what happens.
hello, I just signed up to this forum and just learning how to navigate around it. Having continual issues with my sea recovery watermaker and looking for posts from people with similar issues.
Search all you can. Open a new thread or start asking questions here. An Admin will then open a new thread for you and move your question over. Welcome to YF. Support from all over the world.
Hello all, New in this forum. have a 2013/Lagoon52 located in aegean sea. Have an originally installed a water maker Searecovery 1800 model 2012. My problem is, the remote display is not working anymore and not succeed to replaced it by local technicians. Is there anyone in the forum just to start the unit manually using remote display cables (just connecting or maybe a diy switch?). By the remote display unit I only need just to start the unit. Or do you have any idea to give the start order to the main unit by cable connection, or anyone dismantled the main screen and move to another place in a boat by extending its cables. very much appreciated to any idea. Thanks. Deniz.
Which model and which display is this? Is it the touchscreen? A few years back we replaced it twice on a 2008 vintage Sea Recovery then the third time around 2014/2015 SR “upgraded” the display, discontinued the old one. The new one required replacing the mother board and adding a bypass on the HP pump. A $5000 deal... I recall that you could start the unit from the main box as a back up but ours was hard to reach and I never used it the 84 footer I run now has a different model, without touch screen which is much more reliable. The remote, at the helm, is just an on Off switch with a couple of LEDs.
thank Pascal and apologies for the less info. Its a Searecovery src aqumatic modular 1800 unit. The problem is the remote touch display which is at the chart table and the water maker is located under the floor cover at the end of the starboard cabin. I'm starting from the main box unit now but trying to find out if any trigger possible just to start the water production button somehow. thanks.
Not that I know as it s all computerized. And as explained if you have the original black n white touch screen, upgrading to the newer color one is a major costly upgrade.
thanks again. Pascal, let me tell you the issues I faced a short time ago about this unit... it was not producing water but giving an alert message which previous owner's captain and the local service advised me to change the membranes will be the solution. so I trusted and ordered a set, which cost me 2000USD last month. meanwhile waiting for the membrane, i personally tried to make a test which I found in the net. During this test somehow the booster pump was almost burning in couple minutes, it was so hot and I realized that the cooler propeller at the end of the pump was not running which also means the rotor was not turning but stucked. so I dissembled the booster pump at my garage and noticed that bearings was not perfect and also the spring surrounded water seal(don't know the name sorry) was broken. I changed all by myself which cost me 30USD (excluding my hourly rate) and I installed again and now working perfectly and producing 290lt/h (+1800g/d) with 380-430ppm salinity level at a not very clean marina water. as I'm not using this water to drink but showers and cleaning the boat which is OK for me. unfortunately in here the tech people do not care how much you pay but direct you to the most expensive solution all the time... unfortunately I have a lot of major costs these days due to a mid size maintenance this year you know... So Pascal, do you think is it possible to dismantle the main screen from the unit and move to another place and extend the feeding cables along with it. do you think it works. I'm just try and see situation at the moment (with some logic of course), thanks.
I dont remember how the screen on the main box is connected. If it is connected to the mother board with a ribbon cable, you may be able to extend this. If it is soldered to the mother board you re out of luck.
Btw I don’t think old membranes will give an error message. Production may decrease, TDS increase but not an error message usually if you have an issue with the feed pump, you will get a low pressure error also, sometimes debris in the check valve where the fresh water flush tee s in the feed line from the pump can cause low pressure error even though the pump is good and the pre filters new. Had this happen twice.
thanks again. you're right, no error for the membrane fault but the water production level and the salinity ppm give some idea. I'll make some trials how to start the unit by remote before upgrading a new display set. Will share my experience in this topic.