The only thing I can think of that would run periodically would be an automatic bilge pump. We have one that runs about every two minutes and if it detects no water it shuts off again. If it detects water it continues to run till the water is gone. If it is a bilge pump causing the voltage drop then there is a bad connection somewhere. Is there a bilge pump On-Off-Auto switch? Bob
I'm not sure. Will check and get back to you. Unfortunately i'm hampered by it being a new boat to me so everything is unfamiliar....although I suppose this is one of the ways a guy lears about his boat!
It's hard to tell. I took over the boat just a short time ago. First time out, no problems except that the steering was hard. So, I topped off the sterring fluid before going out the second time. Everyting worked perfectly that trip. Third trip i noticed the leak and yes, I noticed the start of the electrical issues....So either the intermittent issues just didn;t show themselves the first two trips out OR by refilling the steering fluid the leak began, and that caused the electrtical issue. I'm not a big believer in coincedences.... It appears that I just need to remove the backing to the steering panal and replace the gasket. IT's dripping from the bottom of it and their are no signs of a crack or any wear at all.
If a wire had not been connected it woudlnt work at all... No way a bilge pump starting woudl cause enough of a voltage drop to shut down electronics... I don't really see how hydraulic fluid would cause this type of electrical issue but you never know... It should be cleaned up anyway.
What year is the boat? Searay used some wiring harnesses that were 2 or 3 pieces and had a large plastic push lock connector somewhere in the boat to join the deck harness with this one and that one.......those connectors would fail or connections would get loose (individual pins in them). I've seen them in I want to say 1995-2002 searays.
Has anyone ever used Viking Marine Electric (Long Island NY)? After getting nowhere myself I reluctantly allowed the marina service dept. on the boat. They came up empty as well, although they did confirm seeing the same issues as I did. I did a little googling and came up with Viking Marine Electric. Can't find any reviews on his work. Wondering is anyone has used him or knows of him. Thanks, NIck