Three "things" Rule. On every occasion that you step aboard your vessel, there are (at least) three "things" that need your attention. If you can't see them, look for them. Failing to do this...there will be six "things" when you next step aboard, then 12, then 24, etc. if left unattended on subsequent visits. Cheers, Richard.
"The wrong boat, at the best price in the world, is still the wrong boat." "Buy your second boat first. It's cheaper." -GFC
An oldie but a goody and bears repeating: Never approach a dock (or anything else) faster than you want to hit it . . .
"A catamaran's most stable position is upside down, and a monohull's most stable position is on the bottom." "that'll buff right out" "don't sweat the mule, just load the cart"
My Dad and 2 old boys sitting on a bench overlooking Camden, ME. As the smoke from the oldies pipes wafted around, a nice old wooden yawl under sail came into view and behind that was fast Lobster boat creaming in. They just nodded, looking ahead, and in unison said..... "Yep" and nothing else
A dock gawker walks by as some folks in a beautiful big sportfisherman are having cocktails in the cock pit. Gawker asks captain "Gee what's involved in maintaining one of these?" "Let me put it this way sonny: even as we sit here, things are breaking".
In boatbuilding or boat repair there are just three things: Quality- what level of fit/finish,follow mfg procedures, etc Price- how much? Calendar- You want it when? ...pick any two! It's impossible to get Top Quality at a bargain price instantly, but you can get top quality quickly if you are prepared to pay a premium/overtime, etc, and so on.
I'm sure this wasn't created for boat relevance, but it's too good not to pass along...anyway, probably applicable to many boat expenses: Good things sometimes fall apart so better things can fall together.
The line I originally incorporated from chute jumping but going well here (or most of anywhere you'd like to stress safety at): "Contrary to advertising gimmiks, you really don't want to get two-in-one with your ride: the first and the last." Most of any job: "Cost, quality, speed. Choose two." Addendum: "Choose cheap enough, dumb enough and long enough, and you're lucky to get just one". And a quote on engineering improvisation: "hey hey easy this is not a load-bearing structure!" - "it is now..."
short translation from German sentences a lot of work - a lot of errors less work - less errors no erors - win the prize
If it has t*ts, tires or propellers, it's bound to give you trouble at some point. Sometimes it's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission