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Sag Harbor Air conditioning guy?

Discussion in 'Yacht Captains' started by MYCaptainChris, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. CaptPKilbride

    CaptPKilbride Senior Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    On the water
    Holy thread de-rail, batman.

    Honestly, I never thought I would see some tripe like this on a forum about yachting.
    Really, what's a yacht anyway but a very expensive toy that in most cases cannot generate the income needed to support itself. (Unlike a business). People who own yachts do so for the enjoyment, not because they yacht is going to make them rich. They already are.
    And if owning the yacht is more trouble than enjoyment they are going to get out of yachting. Which is not good for the industry, and ultimaltely not good for anyone who makes a red cent out of this industry.