As for the cost of doing business, you may have missed Exxon's quarterly report. Business is doing very well. They're just taking bonuses and salting the money away instead of creating jobs. As for Obama care, it hasn't cost one red cent to anybody yet so that a pretty poor excuse. As for taxes and them being called for by someone who "has never run a business in his life" you might be interested in this from a guy who has run a few: And BTW, you might want to study your American history books a bit more. Hawaii is one of our states, although he couldn't see Russia from his back deck with a cup of tea in hand. Hate the rich? No. I have tremendous respect for those who pull themselves up by their bootstraps and find success. Have no use for the greedy and find them to be a drain on the human race? Absolutely.
Hawaii? He was born in Hawaii but not raised there... So you may want To study the background of the people you vote for...
Hi, You should be careful NYCAP will be on the blower to the INS before you know it. It might delay him a bit if he reads this:
For the first 5-6 years he lived in Hawaii. He spent less than 4 years in Indonesia. After that, as far as I can tell, he spent the rest of his life living, studying and working in Hawaii and other parts of the U.S.. Like it or not, the truth is he was raised for the majority of his life in the U.S of A.
Actually you are wrong, Obamacare has already cost companies and most individuals extra on their health insurance since it was instituted. Everyone I know of has had their healthcare premiums increase 30-40% as well as companies. Ask people around you yourself. And, you are right nobody has benefited from Obamacare yet, nor will they. You see, Obamacare has made healthcare costs increase 30-40% for your working Americans and middle class mostly. The working middle class family with several kids whose premiums have increased and now cannot feed their families because of it. So you are saying that all of the American citizens that own Exxon stock should not be recieving their dividend check for their investment? The little old lady that lives on your street should not be recieving her dividend checks for investing in the company? Exxon's income is a pittance compared to other companies such as Apple. Again attack the evil oil company, it's easy to point fingers without taking 5 minutes to do any actual research right, so one can make an informed decision, and instead spout lies and BS........
Seriously? A guy asks for some recommendations on getting his AC fixed and you derail his thread for 2 pages ranting about pricing, politics and whatever other drivel you can argue about? C'mon people. Why don't we start a thread in the off topics called "let's argue about something" and you all can dog pile one another until you're heart's content.
Here is a video from a CEO and she basically sums up why NO U.S. companies are hiring right now.
Since we're about to strip the citizenship away from every diplomat, ex-pat and soldier serving multiple deployments I have to agree. Sag is a very expensive place to dock or do anything else in summer as is Nantucket, because they are in demand. And there are a couple of good a/c techs in Sag. Can't wait to see what happens as the elections near. Might take a vacation.
Cuba now Venezuala. Disent and you're invited to leave the country you've supported for a lifetime. Interesting. Do they have a good a/c tech?
how did this thread go from a simple question about HVAC to a political debate? Sometimes it amazes me what is on people minds.
Venezuala seems to follow your ideas and theories. They did take over the evil companies and sell oil for a fixed cheap price afterall. You might enjoy a vacation there while you hide out during the election here. I'm sure they a/c repairmen.
comments like: "where the elite meet and greet. They make rediculous amounts of money for doing rediculous things " coming from a poster who has a history of political post.
Actually coming from a poster who has lived the evolution of the Hamptons since the days of Jackie Gleason, Phil Silver and Jane Mansfield.
Cap, you have a tendency to read what you want to see. I live and work in this world as many of us do. I don't hate the rich. In fact some of my best friends are... All kidding aside, being rich is a wonderful thing. It affords you opportunities to do good that most just don't get. However, just look to the sayings that were born 2,000 years ago 'It's easier for a rich man to fit through the eye of a needle...' to more modern ones 'Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely', to a study that I just read about 2 days ago that compared the empathy capacity of the rich and the poor. What it comes down to is that the richer you are, the less compassion you're likely to feel for your fellow man. That's not to say it's impossible, and it's not even to say it's an intentional act. It's temptation pure and simple. There are some people who handle wealth very well. I pointed out one before, Warren Buffet. And I'm personal and business friends with several others. There is nothing wrong with wealth. But it comes with a huge responsibility, and most get caught up and don't handle it well. We've seen a lot of people not handling it well over the past couple of decades. Those who subscribe to the mantra "Greed is good". Greed is not good. It's ugly. Success is good. Accomplishment is good. Doing your part to make the world a better place for all is good. Greed is not good. And there's just too ****ed much of it going around.