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Russian Oligarch Yachts; Ukrainian Solution

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by amuskett, Feb 25, 2022.

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  1. Riknpat

    Riknpat Senior Member

    Apr 9, 2009
    The master of the Moskva , First Rank Captain Anton Kurin, 44, was on the bridge with his senior officers dealing with the drones when the first missile struck killing the lot of them This is thought to explain the ineffectual response to the subsequent fires and explosions which had perplexed some naval analysts. His death has been duly noted in an official Ukrainian Government statement. "We do not mourn " it concludes.
  2. letsjet

    letsjet New Member

    Feb 25, 2006
    Where I boat
    The concerns that I allude to earlier regarding nuke armament is a talking point now....As more news comes out, it's chilling to learn that it's possible the vast majority of the sailors aboard have lost their lives.... I would imagine that Captain Anton Kurin and his crew likely thought they were the safest combatants in the field.... I'm somber as I think how Putin will take this news... Still no video or photos of her since the strike... Does anyone know how she was powered? I understand she was in dry-dock for 3 years and with Putin's preference for all things nuke, I wouldn't be surprised if they did a lot in those three years... He boasts about nuke powered autonomous subs...

    HTM, I certainly don't know of any of the sanctioned fleet that's still freely cruising... I did watch a video today of an R.A. (Poss. formerly owned) vessel arrested in Fiji... But that's the most recent and not first hand. / or second...
  3. HTMO9

    HTMO9 Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    One of my legal advisors in my business had contact with one of the German Lawyers that were able to free the confiscated Russian Yacht Solandge at B & V. The oligarchs fooled us again. They found a new trick to sell their confiscated yachts to a non EU buyer and even transfer the money to safe but anonymous accounts.

    Solandge was sold to an 78 year old business man from Saudi Arabia. When he proved his ownership, the German court in Hamburg had no other choice, than to free the ship. Roumors are saying the same trick is used with Luna at the moment.

    That is the disadvantage living in a constitutional state. We have to stick with the rules and rags and those criminals and mass murderers foool us every day. But better being fooled sometimes than living in their country.

    But Russia has meanwhile many problems at home. More than 200.000 highly educated young specialists have emigrated from Russia and they still do. Most of them are IT specialists with an university degree. The embargo and the technology restriction seem to work. Russia's national economy is not only going down the drain, it is loosing their human ressources.

    The only problem problem with Putin might be that a cornered animal in panic may act unpredictable with weapons, we do not want to see to be used.

    I say again, let's place a randsom on the head of Mr. Putin and his toady Lawrow plus his buddy Lukaschenko. If the reward would be high enough, one of this Oligarchs or of somebody of his inner circle will try to earn it. And those guys should be placed additionally under international arrest warrant for being war criminals.
    FlyingGolfer, rocdiver and slorner like this.
  4. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    When the food lines start, Sons don't come back and the people realize they have been isolated again, I sure hope they move quicker than the times before to correct their government.

    Capt. Marko Ramius:
    A little revolution now and then is a healthy thing, don't you think?
  5. Riknpat

    Riknpat Senior Member

    Apr 9, 2009
    She was powered by 4 COCOG Gas Turbines giving 90,000 kW and 32 knots top speed. Built in the 1980s she was decommissioned in 1991, refurbished and recommissioned in 2000 and heavily refurbished in 2015-18. She was considered up to date. Her main attack was 16 P1000 Vulkan cruise missiles with extra large conventional warheads known as 'carrier killers'. She normally carried two short range tactical nuclear warheads that could swap out for the conventional heads in two of the missiles. There is no reason to believe these were not aboard at the time of the sinking. Smaller Russian ships were in attendance and it is their intercepted communications which are telling the story. After two explosions and a fire presumably caused by the Ukrainian drones or Neptune missiles there was a terrific explosion which blew the ship apart and it sank promptly. It is thought that one or more of the conventional Vulkan warheads detonated. There appear to be no survivors. It is probable that two tactical nuclear warheads lie at the bottom of the Black Sea in an unknown condition causing understandable concern in neighboring countries. The Moskva is considered to be a typical heavy guided missile cruiser which is a major item in many of the world's larger navies. The fact that she was taken out so easily and completely will cause reassessments of these ships around the world. US versions are said to have less offensive punch than the Russian version but much better tracking and defensive capabilities. In the immediate term this event has lessened the possibility of a marine assault and landing on the Ukrainian coast considerably. And in spite of my loathing for Putin and the Russian leadership I say RIP to the scores of young Russian sailors who. like sailors the world over. were doing their duty and have lost their lives. "O hear us when we cry to Thee, For those in Peril on the Sea."
  6. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
  7. letsjet

    letsjet New Member

    Feb 25, 2006
    Where I boat
    Good points, HTM09

    Thanks for the info Riknpat...

    Perhaps a video will surface... The news regarding nukes has been pretty quiet for some reason.
  8. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    Russian headline:

    Attached Files:

    FlyingGolfer, rocdiver and Capt Ralph like this.
  9. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007

  10. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Positively +1.
    Pretty sure there must be some Russian folks on the field that aren't better - or maybe even worse, if possible - than Putin.
    But I suspect that the majority of soldiers and sailors are just young men sent to risk and possibly lose their lives simply because their commander in chief has no respect even for his own citizens.
    Riknpat likes this.
  11. volfkan

    volfkan Senior Member

    Oct 12, 2020
    new postage stamps of ukraine, im very sad my wife everyday cry, дай бог україни. (god bless ukraine.) Слава Україні! (Glory to Ukraine!) o.jpg
  12. Riknpat

    Riknpat Senior Member

    Apr 9, 2009
    Russian TV show film of Moskva 'survivors' in full dress uniform being congratulated. Film is undated. Social media chatter between families of the deceased, whose sons appear in the video. already intercepted. One eagle eye sees an officer who died of natural causes a month ago. "He was resurrected only to be blown up?" she queries. And a voice from the heavens thunders 'when I say dead, stay dead!!" Macabre humor I know but this is just too ridiculous heartless, hurtful and just plain dishonest. Same show also featured injured Ukrainian orphans 'thanking' Russia for saving them, in case you wondered how low Putin is prepared to go with this.
  13. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    Biden Seeks Powers to Liquidate Russian Assets:

  14. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    Dillon1018 likes this.
  15. letsjet

    letsjet New Member

    Feb 25, 2006
    Where I boat
    I agree with you.... I don't know under what authority gives them the right to make this determination...This should be decided in thee Hague, at the very least, after an investigation and perhaps trial...This seems reckless and potentially could again undermine the trust in the monetary system further....I swear sometime I think this admin enjoys playing into the hands of those wanting to disrupt the West...
  16. motoryachtlover

    motoryachtlover Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2007
    smithfield, VA
    I don’t sympathize with the Oligarchs but to seize and liquidate assets with no due process. Sounds very un American to me. They are private citizens as far as I know. I thought we were trying to be a beacon to the rest of the world of how democracy is best. Power should be wielded responsibly as the rest of the world is watching. And in my opinion the US has a tenuous hold on superpower status and we may reap what we sow in the not to distant future.
  17. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    Guys, please don't make this thread require an hourly clean-up. o_O

    We can all discuss this without resorting to name-calling and threats of violence.

    (Or the thread can be locked again, which I'd rather not do as generally I feel the topic is one worth discussing and educating ourselves about.)
    Fishtigua likes this.
  18. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Well wait a minute, as my comments were related to your #234 post. You did not delete up enough.
  19. Scott W

    Scott W Senior Member

    Apr 11, 2017
    A valid point and concern. This is expanding government authority in a way that is likely to be abused in the future...because if government can abuse its authority, it usually does. Having said that, the US and state governments seize assets all the time without trial through a questionable process called civil asset forfeiture. At least with some of these vessels that are known to have been 'seized' (opposed to just 'arrested), the government is alleging an articulable crime (or crimes). The most common I've seen thus far is 'money laundering.' If these people are circumventing or trying to circumvent the US sanctions, then the door is opened to money laundering among other potential federal offenses. The US government, usually the Office of Foreign Assets Control and DOJ, has brought a number of these kinds of cases over the last two-decades and against some Russians specifically since the invasion in Crimea when Barack Obama placed a number of Russians on the Specially Designated Nationals List, the so-called 'sanctions list.'
    motoryachtlover likes this.
  20. MM3

    MM3 Member

    Feb 23, 2016
    New York
    kevin8tor likes this.
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