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Royal Denship Yachts - Norseman Expedition Series - Renderings

Discussion in 'Royal Denship Yacht' started by YachtForums, Jun 22, 2004.

  1. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    LOL! If one image could represent the meaning of the original expedition yacht... it would have to be Calypso. I'm sure there were others that came before her... and many more after, but she is forever embedded in our memories.

    Good discussion guys!
  2. mwagner1

    mwagner1 Senior Member

    Sep 11, 2005
    Les Etats Unis

    Yes, the Calypso looks more like a expedition yacht, way more so than the Meduse!!!

    Oh well...if I paid gazillions for my yacht, I can darn well call it what ever I want to call it!!!! :D Even in the warn shallow waters of the Bahamas!!!

    However, if I was a'plowin into monster waves, I would rather have a very high bow than the "normal" bow that most white boats have!!!! ;)

    I have to admit that I find that any yacht which has a more or less "expedition" look (like Pangaea, Big Roi, Grant's 63m, etc) tends to look more unusual and distinctive than many of the white yachts, IMHO (uh oh, here comes the flames!!!)...

    Please understand that this is NOT an attempt to insult many of the superb boat builders, but many of the white boats start to look the same to me after a while...especially if you get into the 150' range....Christenson, Trinity, Delta, and many of the EU yards make white boats that start to look the same after seeing dozens and dozens. Just look at the ads in the published yachting magazines and then look at the ads for the for sale/charter boats in the back of the magazines....

    Even Grant's 85m looks closer to a standard white boat (and Grant does design the standard white boats as well), though I still like the design.

    After the first of the year (and things go really well for our company), I will start planning a new build, and mark my word.....NOBODY will ever question whether or not it is an expedition yacht!!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHA


  3. orion

    orion Senior Member

    Feb 19, 2005
    Newport Beach, CA, USA
    Expedition Yacht

    This could be a nice base for a cool expedition styled yacht.
    360 degrees around view from the commando bridge, high bow
    and space on front deck for expedition toyz...... :cool:

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  4. UYD

    UYD New Member

    May 1, 2017
    A PROPER Expedition Vessel. Put a "YACHT" interior in one of these and go anywhere, anytime and in ANY weather!

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