I got a trick for you. I needed to repair my packing on my shafts and had no time for a West Marine run so I took a white kitchen rag and cut into 1/2 inch strips and then melted some candles and Vaseline on the stove and melted it into the rags. I installed in the shaft and stoped the leaks and after my long sixty mile twisted river trip I still have no leaks. I bet a few of you have leaking shafts and now you have a easy way
That may be best, but out of time and no other choice it works well. Someone here will someday need to know what to do.
It's also entirely possible to melt to the shaft or to the shaftlog and spin the entire shaft log and break it.......possibly sinking the boat......
Don't forget it could suck up all the water in the lake as goes down and ruin boating for everyone on the lake. It is made out of wax not glue, the new ones ar e made out of wax and string. I think your shaft are a little stronger then that.
I got my 130 lumen led bulbs in and the might work as a ten watt but not as a 20 watt. I think I will order the 270 lumen bulbs and see how good they are to replace a 20 watt halongen. Now these 130 will not fit in the small 10 watt halogen frame, there to long so I think I will use them in my master water closet.
Prison Break I was watching the TV show prison break and noticed a yacht I thought looked really familiar. However coming back to this thread I see some differences mostly in the windows and ports... what you all think? [/IMG]
Someone makes a Xenon G4 direct replacement bulb that is the same exact physical size as a normal G4...... Another thought is to add some 120 volt fixtures and lights where are going to be more efficient than DC
Soon I won't have new photos to show, I'll be done. Less then two years and we seeing the end. What will I do with myself do I get a job. Lol I know some of you need or will need headliners. That's ok there not hard to do. I hope to get my bench done soon.
What next? Absolutely fantastic! So I'm curious... once she's done do you plan to live aboard, go cruising, sell her.... or?
Mike, saw you underway over the weekend. We took our tender to the 'new' Cedar Creek Marina for lunch at Fish Tales and were going to drop by to see if you were home, but then, while we were eating, saw you leaving the creek. Passed by on our way back to our Lagardo anchorage. Very nice!
All of them, I fill my boat every weekend with girls some coming back and others for the first time. I bet you think how does he do that???? It sucks to have a nice boat and watch all the other guys get the girls. So you go to meetup and start a singles/boating group. After you get going you make it privet so you can pick who you let in. I have six girls for every one guy. I started (Lost at Sea) in 2009 and this year I just started (Music On The Water Nashville) and (Wine & Dinner On a Yacht) It works. I go out often and I need a lot of people to fill it up two days each weekend. Forget to tell you you can even charge if you want to. I will charge in the Music On The Water about $15 a person most of the time. Lost At Sea,, (Hermitage, TN) - Meetup Music On The Water Nashville (Hermitage, TN) - Meetup