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Remodelling Job

Discussion in 'Yacht Renderings & Plans' started by steveinjeddah, Oct 22, 2009.

  1. atomare

    atomare New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
    Duisburg, Germany
    Here is how that would look from another angle, I found on the internet (thanks for posting some more information on the yacht AMG ;) ). - The first image is the original. - With the upright windows it becomes suddenly very classic. If that is desirable, great, else I would suggest to keep the front windows a little bit raked to not loose the original design completely. The window sections can either be painted completely in white or the upper deck and the aft maindeck could be painted in a shiny anthracite and the fore maindeck window section in white. - What do you think?

    Attached Files:

  2. well if all white then of course the alternative 3 is the best, but i think the less inclination made her losing in aerodinamic highly impression, mainly ontop bridge. If you take alternative 3 and put all windows frame along all boat in 1st and 2nd upper decks in reflective chrome, how it would like to bring the sophistication she had. On roof seems too flat also, maybe lacks something. If too classical going like 2nd, then an aft 2nd mast, i don't know, otherwise another platform. But good work. :)
  3. atomare

    atomare New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
    Duisburg, Germany
    Actually I was thinking of "chromed" or mirror webs as well ;) ..., with that even the upright window frames might look quite modern ... in a Philipp Starck kind of way :D ... I might still try that ... but then the windows should be also with a silverish shine, like you suggested MKM.
  4. yeah, agreed, but seemed this anchor too old fashioned also. If chrome, then the anchor house or anchor itself should have a call for the rest. ;) Windows a lit bit down ton then.
  5. atomare

    atomare New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
    Duisburg, Germany
    Here is a more modern refit of her. With matte silver window sections and a horizontal screening in front of the maindeck superstructure instead of new windows. Quite stylish I think. ...That´s it, ... Happy remodeling Steve :D

    Attached Files:

  6. i think is much better now and very sophisticated upgraded also in this refit. Don't you think is necessary to complete a soft skybridge on roof with a small glass deflector in middle part of her? Maybe the appearance of the brise-soleil in the 3 rear windows could get also a little bit more call to this front one. But congratulatious for the wonderful job. :)
  7. steveinjeddah

    steveinjeddah New Member

    Mar 10, 2009
    The world's largest sandpit
    Thank you

    I've just revisted this thread as we are now planning our refit for this winter. I'm not sure if the owners will opt for any of these excellent suggestions but I certainly hope so.

    Thanks to everyone who contributed - I'll let you know how things turn out.