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Redesign proposals...

Discussion in 'Yacht Designers Discussion' started by MKM Membership Revoked, May 10, 2010.

  1. Atomare, the proposal was to keep the original thin appearance as warship for just using the 'empty space cargo area for helicopters' to another use as cruise, which would pay the costs as enterprise for her continuous mantainance, but i actually would like to have only a small-medium class using the square close space of this deck to not change her much as she was. The reason why the stern has still to be different in some way and not too much integrated. So my answers regarding your comments:

    1. exactly what i thought to keep original wide for just having an intinerant running life museum in a business cruise for educations during a cruise like 'This ship had this and those story, but now she is in piece showing what not be negative anymore done, texts like that in the galleys' still keeping her old important history, reason i would like to split the original design with the new proposed use. Cannons as observatory places only with almost no mention to balistic things. No negative war education to children at all, but still showing the securty against and defence reasons of past of about her been built.

    2. The 2 helicopters option fore and aft is really flexible enough for port and touristic journeys as well small travels trips for passengers during cruise, an even profit option on board for her own self maintanance as ship-touristic-company. I liked that idea.

    3. I agree with you with the front part my passenger decks to even have 2 splitted boxes, aft='new cruise uses' & fore='old military museum amenities' together with this 'bridge' also for better circulation inside connections, but remember you have a bridge to aft that must be still with upper view to the rest and not touched at all. The main tower as it was would be just restored in white. Even the funnel should allow same height for gas exaustion without interferences in the pool deck. I like that option of slimming cabins here like a modern wind deflector to sides of modern cruise ships. Maybe here would be the most expensive cabins in area with bigger terraces for 24h front tower view, a good marketing point of the 'old part' for the enhusiasts in navy of past. Great Idea.

    4. No, i would like to have a thin appearance just to not have any interior without windows cabins at all. The cabins would be only to exterior in modern balconies and in middle only bars, galleys, passages, stores and other small rooms like beauty or souvenier shop without windows, this would be allowed, in modern tendecy as well. If would be wider at aft, the tower in front could have been disturbed as front view and not more 'military', which i would like to avoid. As I explained in the introduction here. Actually the passengers block should be a together-separate passengers-cargo block in what was the 'cargo area'. This concept is important, leaving the 'new' & 'old' splited in some way. I would like to avoid big volumes, because the intention is to be a small-medium class mixture only as 'museum-club-entertainment-cruise-'school'' ship.

    5. It is exactly that what i would like to have more light inside, big round windows in hull-cabins for whole ship and using the hull like 'good exterior cabins' if this is possible, with closer ocean view and skipping a little bit out the concept of military hull. But smaller diameter ones would be ok as well.

    I will try to make your suggestions in another representation as a refinement in some way. This was a first kick, so of course adjustmens could have appearing further to have a good compromise in all. Thanks again. ;)
  2. ex-R97 Jeanne D'arc - Reproposal Adjustments !

    So, according the last posts, here are the final adjustments for what is thought to better fit all shapes. I tried to keep all devices like cranes together more tenders. Hope you enjoyed ! :)
    215 Cabins - 180 with balcons or terraces - 2 of them with private jacuzzis
    430 passengers in total, 170 crew members. 2 passengers in low beds per cabin.

    Below is the original appearance, for comparings ! Of course at bow & sides would be much more sunbath chairs. Not illustrated cause they are not fix, neither would like to carry on much in detailing

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2010
  3. atomare

    atomare New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
    Duisburg, Germany
    Hey MKM, thanks for the update. ... Seeing it again, I think, that two decks at the aft would be the maximum of volume to add, in order to still keep the military expression. You would have to double the prices for a cabin though ;). ...
  4. Thanks for enjoying. I just wanted the helicopter to be in different level, because security storm reasons in pool deck and at lower platform would be detached for the specific use not mixing with the rest. I also didn't want a too high stern, neither all as same block, a stepback volume should be there to still represent the today ship in a split stern different appearance. Then, don't worry, the 8 cabins there are bigger enough comparing the rest, middle size. Just near tower is the most expensive categories. The balcony standards are in middle. On hull you have other balcony prices and the cheapest in hull as exteriors. so it is already many possibilities of price in a club ship service. ;)
  5. Latest Designs Reviews.

    1. Water Taxi to Elbe River using Van Dutch 40' Tender with 32 knots.

    2. Overmarine Mangusta Perrini Navi Mast Sail - Environment friendly !

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  6. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Two observations from a non-designer:
    1) a water taxi is all about passenger capacity.
    2) Mangusta sail?:confused: Although motorsailers have their fans, they are generally considered the worst of both worlds. (slow powerboats, unwieldy sailing yachts.) What is the goal with this? It appears you have a planning hull combined with sail.
  7. 1. 12m. The 15 passengers help flexibility at same time in a not so small shape in tubulent waters of river in winter times, giving some comfort and stability. Of course the price of some $ 700 thousand of tender does not make it so affordable with the changes i proposed, coming to some 1 million, difficult profit for a taxi, but was until now the best i found for securities reasons if were my own business here in town. I'd like to do such.

    2. This was a request from a Monaco guy, which would like to improve from his Sail Perini in a new Mangusta, but he was no longer interested. I don't know what happened to him in this Forum. Anyway after some time i posted the design i made already in beginning this year. The sail just is a help for less fuel consumption, like they are doing with SkySails in commercial vessels. Yes, I planned to put the mast lower part above the sky bridge, not disturbing visibility and using same hull as it has with reinforcements.
  8. tirekicker11

    tirekicker11 Senior Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    SE Asia

    I don't see how a sail on a planing powerboat (without keel or daggerboard) is going to reduce in fuel consumption.