They shipped her to Bremen, yesterday and right now into the floating dock for the final stage of construction.
What I find interesting is the mooring platform... it doesn't jettison from the hull level... it drops way below 'level' but then looking at the images closely, the platform has steps integrated into it which is also a feature not seen on these platforms.
Looks like she will have the same retractable helicoper hangar like Thunder. Its overall a really cool design.
I love everything about this design! The bow, heli hanger, pool, long range cruising, and the enclosed wheel house. I can't wait till she comes back out and starts sea trails. I have heard from different people that she could be owned by the Amazon guy. Don't want to mention his name but I have heard his name around this yacht a few times. It could be wrong though. Either way I can't wait to see her out at sea!
I agree with the sentiments here, she is a real interesting yacht. The most fascinating element for me are the massive fold-down bulwarks either side of the aft helicopter pad, they seem to be there solely for aesthetic reasons.
Yes.... I believe they are only there to continue the arch line and help the box look of the hangar when it is extended out.
I don't know what to think about the closed wheelhouse. It Iooks great on Octopus but it looks a little bit to big. Can someone explain to me what is happening with the bow? I can imagine that it it still possible to be extended but that doesn't explain the side of the bow.
I think it will look a little like the "Triple Bling"...
This thread has mixed two different yachts. The first pages show Project Lightning, which was launched a few hours ago. The design indicates that the yacht belongs to an middle east customer.